Oh don't worry... that was my primary concern when I first saw the Halcyon bladder....
Removing the octo to deflate isn't really a concern of mine... I've done a lot of dives with crappy rental equipment which changed from dive to dive... had a leak in my BC hose...so had to disconnect that during the dive... dive continued as planned...
had a free flowing octo...which our dive master fixed during the dive..I think he adjusted it to a harder setting... then he just buddied up with me...
I've never panicked when equipment fails underwater... OW classes prepared me for OOA situations... as long as you don't panic... you'll be ok.
I've had to orally inflate a BC throughout an entire dive cuz the BC hose was clogged or something...
And now that I'm buying my own gear... I'd like to make it as streamlined as possible... an emergency is just that... an emergency... you can only bring so much back-up gear... even an Air2 with a proper octo... and 2 backup ponies... and a buddy with exactly the same setup... could theoretically all fail together...
as long as you don't force any dangerous situation.. I think the Air2 on the Halcyon should be fine. If it fails... I'll abort... that simple. I'm gonna pack up, then go home... raise hell at the shop.. get my gear repaired... then dive again the next weekend.

no big loss.
I feel that the Air2 has as much chance of failure as a regular octo... and if it does... there's always the shared regulator technique... not recommended... but at least it's always there as well.
I'd rather practise all emergency techniques, rather than rely on convenient backup systems. an octo is useless if your 1st stage fails anyway.