Sydney_Diver once bubbled...
You are kidding. This is the same as with any Air Source, I teach my students skills with both alternate Octopus and Air2's as any good instructor would. It is up to the Diver to have the nessasary skills to use the equipment they have purchased and to seek additional training for it.
Yes, with proper training an AirII or just about anything else can be used effectively. You and I both know that many divers show up at the boat and have no clue as to what to do in the water. It's like their Instructor went to sleep during class. They don't train and should propably not be diving. Regardless, for some reason these people are allowed to dive. So, if they are going to do it anyway (they shouldn't), I think something a little easier to use is in order. (easier from their perspective)
Vent/Dump the Air from the opposite shoulder dump, all good BCD's have two shoulder dumps not just one. You should never need to add air to the BCD while accending, you should practice OOA problems often so if and when the time comes you will be ready for it.
You'd be suprised, a lot of them don't. I have the regular inflator dump and a horizontal rear dump, that's it. I did not mean to imply that air is added on ascent...bad idea...
Ideally, they should practice. I'm sure that the students we personally teach are proficient. I'm sure they could handle an OOA sucessfully. I'm refering to the other segment of the diving population who was certified at a resort, dives 2 times per year and cares little for practice.
Having breathed from a Scuba Pro Air2 at 180Ft to the surface I found it delivered more than enough air in the OOA situation. I have never seen a problem with students or certified divers grabbing the wrong hose when going for an Air2
My experience was just the opposite, the AirII breathed horribly. Odd, I've seen divers grab the snorkel instead of the AirII several times. This goes back to training and practice though.
As long as proper training has taken place with the equipment it presents no more problems than any other sort of Second stage device
If you practice had enough, you can make just about anything work. Even if you are proficient using the AirII, I think that there are better options out there.
After approx 800 Dives with an Air 2 @ Recreational depths
Approx 200 OOA training exercises
and three real OOA scenarios
I have no issues with the ScubaPro Air2 it functions very well at recreational depths, provided correct training and buddy preparation, it has proven in my experience no more task loading then a Bungy rig or traditional Octo placement
I used an AirII for a while early on and could easily handle an OOA situation using that method. I then went to a traditional octo and finially a bungied backup. Of the 3, the bungied backup seems to hold every advantage and has none of the disadvantages IMHO. Everyone thinks their particular setup is best, but when you look at it logically, the AirII loses to the bungied backup.
Again, whatever method you choose, practice is the key.
We may have to agree to disagree!