Alligator Attack - Defense Fundamentals

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I was beginning to think no one had seen the link...I mean, who could resist making a comment after reading about a naked man smoking crack attacked by a croc? Not you at the least. almost have to feel sorry for all the other that the gator is probably addicted!
Try this on for size....

I also remember a few years ago when I came back from a job on...and under...the China Sea. My roomates had saved a newspaper clipping for me of a homeless guy from Clearwater who was killed by a small...3 to 4 foot....gator in a pond behind some condos while he was bathing. The guy was old and in very bad physical condition, and the gator took him to pieces.....tore off his head and an arm. Around a month or two later the local news commented that 6 people had been attacked by alligators in Florida so far that year. Now, when they ran down the list the guy from Clearwater wasn't on it. So that makes a least 7. The guy was killed in March, if I remember we're talking at least 7 alligator attacks in the first half of the year. It may have been an exceptional year. Still...with that kind of inaccurate reporting who knows what the real numbers generally are.....could be much higher or much lower.

It's a normal condition for predatory animals to have less fear of humans as their populations increase.....due partly to the increased competition for food and habitat. You see this in all types of animals around the country and throughout the world. From coyotes getting thick enough to start taking down livestock in Kansas, necessitating coyote drives, to the "wonderful" work ecologists have done in northern California of increasing the mountain lion population, and all the problems that has caused.

My point is just to have respect for the animals, and for their ability to raise hell. It's a rare wild animal that is completely defenseless, and personalities can vary greatly from animal to animal and even from day to day. How many times have you heard a surprised owner say about his dog...."well I just don't understand...he's never bitten anyone before.."
Here's another related link....had to dig it up again....

My favorite part is this quote: "We do believe it is safe," U.S. Forest Service representative Denise Rains told WKMG-TV. "Any body of water in Florida has the potential to have alligators in it. People need to be aware of that any time they are in the National Forest. But it is as safe today as it was yesterday."

Umm....yeah....yesterday there was a man-eating alligator on the loose. And it ate someone. Do these people just not think before they speak or what?
That is good info..I guess the alligator wins the "deadliest attack" contest. I would much rather swim with sharks but being that I live in C.Fl. the springs are easier and cheaper in the winter than a boat dive somewhere. Guess I'll just have to keep doing what I've been doing and "try not to pet them." The part that scares me about gators is that, I have 3 kids, my 9yr old will be getting certified next year. Now, this kid LOVES animals. Not SOME animals, ALL animals. We were looking for him a couple of yrs ago at our old house in Tx, he should've been in the backyard with his brother playing. We found him on the side of the house, laying flat on his belly with his head propped up in his hands "talking" to a 6 ft rat snake. Actually carrying on a conversation it sounded like but the snake wasnt talking back, just sitting calmly RIGHT in his face at a distance of about a foot. He has done things like this on several occasions now, he DOES know the diff. in types of animals and dangers. In fact he is a VERY smart kid, straight A student and has MORE common sense than most other kids his age. BUT WE CAN"T GET HIM TO STOP DOING THINGS LIKE THIS WITH ANIMALS. That is the only thing that scares me with gators! I am praying he doesnt try this with them.
You are worried about your 9 tear old's judgement, but you are planning to let him dive?
im to tired to read the last pages, so im gonna post from what i read on the first page:::

i would call the crocodile hunter. o wait.

i'd probably crap my wetsuit
You are worried about your 9 tear old's judgement, but you are planning to let him dive?

Yeah, I WILL ALWAYS BE WITH HIM WHEN HE DIVES as I am with his brother now. But when not in the water, you can't watch them all the time. I would worry about ANY kids judgement concerning ANY matter ALL the time. But kids ARE allowed to dive with an adult. The reason they ARE allowed to dive WITH an adult is because kids don't make good judgement calls most of the time when they are that age. Don't for a minute think I am a bad parent or try to judge my level of competence by what I said. You had kids too I am sure. If they had the chance back then I am sure you would have let them get certified too. And I KNOW that those kids did stupid things sometimes too. But you would have gotten them certified wouldnt you? I think it is important for kids, good judgement or not, to get to experience EVERYTHING possible in life. By getting them certified early (and keeping a close eye on them while diving) they get to do something that VERY FEW kids get to do. If you say that bad judgement on the kids part could risk their life, I am going to say that bad judgement on ANY kids part when crossing the street risks their life also. That is why they must dive with an adult!
You child, your choice. OTOH, with regard to my children, you are way off. I would never certify my child at such a young age. I wouldn't teach yours unless he was at least 12 and unusually mature for the age. I did certify my son at age 13, but his judgement was way beyond the point he would try to play with an alligator.

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