Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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One would have a very hard time just popping into any usenet group these days. Most ISPs don't even have a news server anymore and it takes more and more effort just to did your way. If you did pop into Rec.scuba you'd find 99% spam. Hostility didn't kill rec. scuba. That's what kill files were for.

But what do I know.... Time to do see if I can find a fidonet node and read some echo mail. (Which was also killed by http not fighting.)

My BBS was on FidoNet :)
In our political system, a definitive difference is made between public property (like the government, anything state-owned) and private property. Following the line of reason indicated in your post, any huge enterprise employing and depending upon thousands of employees, or participant customers belongs, at least in part, to them. I don't reject this kind of socialism, but it is most certainly not the system prevalent in this nation, in the US, where any group other than stockholders or owners who attempt to control or set policy for a privately owned entity will quickly find out exactly who owns what.

Protocols of behavior have little or nothing to do with any of this. We are not dealing with Rulers of the world vs. troublemakers. We are dealing with a polity that very clearly recognizes private property and the rights of legal owners to dispose of or utilize that property as they see fit, subject to many limitations (not nearly enough in my view) but in any case, ultimately it's their candy store and if you don't like it go to another.

I clearly pointed out that Pete "owns" Scubaboard....I also pointed out, that if the 200,000 plus audience/membership left, and went somewhere else--essentially what happened to rec.scuba....then scubaboard, owned by Pete, would be no more than a url, of little worth...maybe $30 for the year.

The "Audience", or the membership, is the real value. Pete does not actually "Own" the members or audience. They can come or go, as they please.

Now the thing is, I really Like ScubaBoard and chatting with my friends on it, about diving related topics. So, even with all the frustrations and potential agonies I may be causing with this thread right now ( to Pete and to a few of the posters in this thread) , I am only doing it, because I really like it.....If I did not care, I would just be gone.
That one is gone too. Try :popcorn:


all the good ones are gone.

what about :rentalwetsuitscangiveyouherpes:

nope. dang.
So, even with all the frustrations and potential agonies I may be causing with this thread right now ( to Pete and to a few of the posters in this thread) , I am only doing it, because I really like it

Spoken like a true troll! "I cause frustration because I like it". I can't imagine how you manage to split your time between Yahoo News comments and YouTube comments yet still have time to cause "frustration" here.
I think that Pete secretly enjoys flexing his 'tolerance' muscles, well, that is until things become totally MissDirected...

Glad I am still in touch with her on Facebook.:D
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