Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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I'm here for the chocolate. Pure no nuts double fudge chocolate.

Well I'm about to make two BLT's with fresh tomatoes from my garden and lots of bacon. Bacon........real food for real people!
Classic group insanity. This board has more freedom and latitude than any other in its category. This topic discussion is beginning to resemble the nasty spoiled childrens atmosphere of 'Das Pub'.

Physician's shorthand in the 18th and early 19th Centuries (always in Latin or Greek in front of patients) was Heautontimoroumenos, based on an ancient play which was subtitled "Self Torture". I'm not sure why this occurred to me as I was reading all this, but it has.

I'm amazed at the number of lunatics who almost maniacally defend private property and self-determination but decide that they have squatters rights here, on other people's property. Marginal types who want the state to keep hands off everything except their pet peeve, and have no problem with federal agents beating down your door or probing your inner anatomy if you disagree.

Although I was born in the United States, I did not "create" the country, and I do not own it ( pretty sure some large corporations and Trilateralists are the major stockholders that own it :)
While I do not "own it",.....because I and many people I know "live" in the US, and we have for many years, WE feel it is our "right" to attempt to "fix" what we can, when we see something about the US that is broken, or WRONG.

SCUBABOARD is a very close parallel to this. It is not mine or yours, and while Pete may claim a form of ownership of it, the real substance of Scubaboard is it's 200,000 plus members or people that LIVE IN IT. Without these 200,000 plus people, scubaboard would be a meaningless url...

So here we have this heavily populated "virtual country", .... IS it a country where those who live there have a say in their LIVES and their RIGHTS and freedoms....or, is it a country where everyone of us must follow strict protocols of behavior, or face REMOVAL from the gene pool of this virtual world?

Do we have a say in the actual punishments, that the Rulers of this world would rain down upon those deemed to be TROUBLE MAKERS or MALCONTENTS,
or are such pronouncements only the right of Kings and Grand Marshals ?

I question the Zero Tolerance Policy, and on what it can or should be applied to..... and I question who has the right to decide on matters such as this.
It's better to hit the report button than to retaliate with a snarky remark taking the thread further off course. We'll often tolerate a one or two post diversion in a Scuba section, but if it's just another flame war, we want to know about it and earlier is better than later. Why? It's easier for us to clean up and it keeps tempers in check. So, if you feel your honor has been unfairly impugned, use the report post feature and keep yourself above the fray

Maybe you could PM that advice to Tobin for his future reference!
Somehow I missed this excitement....what exactly did Tobin do?

Where to begin.... you'd be able to read everything he wrote if it hadn't been deleted.

It was a very informative thread about having to return wings to manufacturers instead of them just sending a new bladder out. It turns out it was Hog and a discussion was made about changes in bladders.

At some point the discussion turned to whether or not divers could/should know how to do this themselves. Tobin basically turned into his condescending self and he got called on it. The calling got a little aggressive ( I would agree Tortguga was trolling as the thread had died for several days ) and the whole thing got removed.

My take away is Tobin can be a jerk and when he runs his mouth making a fool of himself it'll just all get swept away.
Well I'm about to make two BLT's with fresh tomatoes from my garden and lots of bacon. Bacon........real food for real people!

My chocolate comes from NetDoc, but my bacon is from Costco. I have no garden, but am willing to turn the sundeck into one if you think the guests won't mind... I think I'll go have a BLT too. You're kind of a smart feller.

---------- Post added August 7th, 2013 at 02:03 PM ----------

It was awesome. I added an avacado to it, made it a BLAT. I really know how to live....
Do we have a say in the actual punishments, that the Rulers of this world would rain down upon those deemed to be TROUBLE MAKERS or MALCONTENTS,
or are such pronouncements only the right of Kings and Grand Marshals ?


No one is making you stay here, just FYI...
Speaking of nuts, I like to walk around throwing peanuts at random people. Just my way of making the human race stronger.
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