Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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The exact same report was made on several forums after threats were made as to what would happen if they didn't give them more free trips. We won't be a party to cyber-extortion,

Just curious about one thing because I read something similar to what you have said here. Did you actually see anything in writing or actually hear something said from those folks that were suppose to be making threats or was that just W&W's side of the story. Extortion is a pretty serious charge I would think.
Please....I am BEGGING you all...keep this thread going!

Nazis, Space Aliens, Cowboys & Indians, Pharmaceutical conspiracies, Nancy Pelosi, name calling...this is the best entertainment I've had in a long time. I had no idea so many divers were clinicaly insane. I wanna drink margaritas with all of you! Holy crap, what a train wreck! I love it!

More please...MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just curious about one thing because I read something similar to what you have said here. Did you actually see anything in writing or actually hear something said from those folks that were suppose to be making threats or was that just W&W's side of the story. Extortion is a pretty serious charge I would think.
I have probably posted more than I should have already, so I won't comment on this further. If it's easier to think of me as a brown shirted, jack booted thug, then that's fine. I am rarely at liberty to post everything I know about an event and it puts us at a clear disadvantage in explaining why we do things. Ask anyone who knows me, and I mean knows me personally like Wookie. I am fair to the point of it being a sickness. I am also patient to a fault and normally very gentle in my approach. It's not that I'm wishy washy or unable to act. I would rather reason with someone than beat them over the head. I would rather they see the errors of their ways rather than ban their butts. However, I am not afraid to call a spade a ******* shovel.
Please....I am BEGGING you all...keep this thread going!

Nazis, Space Aliens, Cowboys & Indians, Pharmaceutical conspiracies, Nancy Pelosi, name calling...this is the best entertainment I've had in a long time. I had no idea so many divers were clinicaly insane. I wanna drink margaritas with all of you! Holy crap, what a train wreck! I love it!

More please...MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the Pub section, this thread is lacks guns, Bush baiting, Obama bashing, vaccine conspiracies, and Canadians...
Go to the Pub section, this thread is lacks guns, Bush baiting, Obama bashing, vaccine conspiracies, and Canadians...

I can only assume that ChillyinCanada is Canadian?
Classic group insanity. This board has more freedom and latitude than any other in its category. This topic discussion is beginning to resemble the nasty spoiled childrens atmosphere of 'Das Pub'.

Physician's shorthand in the 18th and early 19th Centuries (always in Latin or Greek in front of patients) was Heautontimoroumenos, based on an ancient play which was subtitled "Self Torture". I'm not sure why this occurred to me as I was reading all this, but it has.

I'm amazed at the number of lunatics who almost maniacally defend private property and self-determination but decide that they have squatters rights here, on other people's property. Marginal types who want the state to keep hands off everything except their pet peeve, and have no problem with federal agents beating down your door or probing your inner anatomy if you disagree.
Another recent thread was where Tobin was showing his personality and then poof GONE

I'm pretty sure Tobin received a "non-expiring infraction" notice (for "name-calling and insult-hurling" no less) over that thread... I say "pretty sure" because I received one, so I can't see why he wouldn't have :)

Personally I have no problem with this kind of 'censorship' (aka application of the posting rules) so long as it's even-handed (although it could also have occured two weeks earlier, before the thread went totally off the rails, but that's another story)
I'm here for the chocolate. Pure no nuts double fudge chocolate.
it could also have occured two weeks earlier, before the thread went totally off the rails, but that's another story)
It's better to hit the report button than to retaliate with a snarky remark taking the thread further off course. We'll often tolerate a one or two post diversion in a Scuba section, but if it's just another flame war, we want to know about it and earlier is better than later. Why? It's easier for us to clean up and it keeps tempers in check. So, if you feel your honor has been unfairly impugned, use the report post feature and keep yourself above the fray.
Personally I stop giving credence to someone's post the moment "Nazis" or "brown shirts" or "Hitler" is used. The implication behind those terms is so offensive and over-the-top that it devalues anything else said.

I hang out on a lot of gun forums, so it means I end up ignoring half the board some days... ;-)
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