Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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Does anyone here have a life? Really?

Misread it, I thought you asked if any of us had a WIFE really.
In Reply to your post [post=6842987]#6842987[/post]
My plan is to continue to lobby for this, until the brownshirts remove me from the virtual community.
Brownshirts? Rly? Why do you always have to pick a fight? Is your idea of free speech being able to insult/inflame anyone you want with impunity? It's as boorish as taunting a policeman with "Hey Pig" or going "Oink, oink, oink" at any chance you get. Then you act all surprised and even indignant when they don't treat you with the respect you think you deserve.

Here's the deal, you can voice your opinions in toto until you turn to epithets, name calling, harassment or trollish behavior. Disagree, but do it civilly. No more passive aggressive names for the volunteers we call mods. If you have a beef with a mod let me know about it. If I think you have some merit, I'll be glad to reverse a decision. However, as in the past, if you think we're going to allow you to be mean just because you think you're special, then think again. Ask George about the rep that still haunts him to this day. You don't need that, especially when you are trying to promote tooka at the Blue Heron Bridge. Stick to Scuba. Stick to nice. Sorry for the f-bomb, but this is so appropriate:

Originally Posted by Wookie
Does anyone here have a life? Really?

Misread it, I thought you asked if any of us had a WIFE really.

Life, wife? Pick one or the other. It's hard to have BOTH :gas:
Dan, your continued reference to Nazis is offensive and to use your extreme trolling behavior which should not be tolerated.

I see that you mentioned that you took sociology in college. did you take any psychology?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism.
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Going back to the allegations on censorship, isn't the whole Agg/dancer thumbs down incident a form of censorship?

Good point but I think it was more of a business decision than true censorship.
Good point but I think it was more of a business decision than true censorship.
Not so much a business decision as it obvious to any unbiased observer what was going on. The exact same report was made on several forums after threats were made as to what would happen if they didn't give them more free trips. We won't be a party to cyber-extortion, no matter how upset a few get over it. Most times when we get asked by businesses to delete a thread, we simply say "no". The decision is not based on them being an advertiser. However, given the evidence, the past history and the fact that this seemed to be a systematic attempt to injure a dive op, I could not, in good conscience, leave it in the open forum. We've done this only a few times and mostly for non-advertisers. After all the prophecies of doom in that thread we are still here. Even our harshest critics, like Chrpai, can't seem to find a better place to spend their time. I guess we aren't that bad after all.

People can be fickle. We make decisions based on the facts at hand, many of which aren't known outside of SB staff. If you agree with us, we are saints. If you disagree with us then we become power drunk, brown shirted, jack booted thugs that make Nazis look like Boy Scouts on a bad day. For the record, we prefer black to brown, fins to jack boots and we're not drunk with power. It's called surface narcosis. We have to deal with a wide variety of people from GI3's former protoge' to some guy in Oklahoma wanting to get certified in a stock tank. We're not going to please everyone all the time. Today might not be your day but it seems the majority of users are very happy to be here. We'll never please the likes of Chrpai and I'm strangely OK with that. He still deserves the same protection we'll afford anyone else. It's our job to still protect those who spit in our face. That's not just being fair: that's being crazy fair. His continued presence is testimony to our commitment to inclusion. That doesn't mean we can't point out that he's being a poopy head. I was civil when I said he was being uncivil.

It's obvious to the most casual observer that our rules work. It's why we're the strongest/biggest/baddest web site devoted to Scuba. The proof is in the pudding and ours is a yummy double chocolate pudding with walnuts mixed in. I seen forums where moderation was truly heavy handed. They're not hard to spot because they are so much smaller than ScubaBoard. In other words, we won't follow the rule of NOK (Not Our Kind). We want to incorporate all of the Scuba community including the end users, the manufacturers, the resorts and the dive ops... and anyone else I might have missed. It's a tough job to include both reef huggers and avid spear fishermen, or DIR and all those other strokes, or rebreather pilots and newly minted OW divers. But we do it. We do it better than anyone else.

NOK, NOK, who's there?
Not me!
Spend a day or two in an ER or urgent care. Your head will explode from all the abuse of the system.

And I counter that if there was proven to be a cure for diabetes, the majority of Americans would not accept it because they will have to work for it and make, they perceive, sacrifices. Much easier to take a pill and continue with their unhealthy lifestyle. Where did this attitude come from? Saying it is a from marketing and advertising is way too simplistic.

We know smoking cause many health problems. We took advertising off TV. People still smoke...

<snip> This is not marketing or advertising of the pharmacutical companies but the standards of today's society.

Lisa, it is tough to respond to your almost undeniable implications.....Maybe more people need to see this reality you speak of as Darwinism at work, and that those that smoke and get cancer, or those that refuse to good make dietary choices DO in fact , deserve Diabetes or Arthritis. They do deserve the pain and suffering which they have reaped on themselves. This would be obvious in a world where Cause and Effect are used daily. For those that watch TV 6 to 8 hours per day, I think the clear relationships you described, have been obliviated and replaced by the Self Indulgence the TV World develops.... The natural outgrowth of EDUCATION via 6 hours per day, 7 days a week by TV Advertising, is a feeling of ENTITLEMENT, that if you see it, and it is appealing to you, then you SHOULD HAVE IT...this is how commercials are constructed--this is their purpose ( I know this--I helped build one of the largest Ad Agencies in the South....Zimmerman--now at over a Billion a year in billing--fortunately I got OUT before it sucked my soul out of my body :) ).
But right now you and I are both whining about a major problem, and neither of us have offered a real solution--and we can't leave it this way :)
Possible solutions:
  • As we have described a cultural problem, potentially caused by TV Advertising or by the Entitlement Propaganda of America's new Socialist Agenda ( and "New World Order" sickness) ... which will not/can not go away in the next few years , we need to know how to create cultural change.
  • If we could begin a movement on Facebook, where it becomes popular to share obvious CAUSE & EFFECT issues that are Stupidly Predictable, and an aspect of the Entitlement culture and of a Socialist Agenda ( can you spell O.B.A.M.A.C.A.R.E. ?) , maybe these daily examples could become Fun to point at people with, and to build into daily office humor and needling---maybe you could use this repetition of the obvious, to get people to wake up to what is clearly Darwinian selection in action--where no assistance should really be offered..... And no, I don't see this solution as likely...
  • If the generation to come in after the Millennium Generation, decides that the Millenniums are the biggest losers imaginable ( the ultimate exaggeration of what an entitlement culture can do to a generation), and they REBEL, and try to mirror themselves more to the images of a hard working American in the 50's....with those mores and cultural values---THAT would solve everything!!!! :)
Well, there ya go. See, I'm all about the chocolate, but hate nuts mixed in with my chocolate. I'm kind of a chocolate purist. That ^ post explains a lot.... :)
Well, there ya go. See, I'm all about the chocolate, but hate nuts mixed in with my chocolate. I'm kind of a chocolate purist. That ^ post explains a lot.... :)
That's funny. I always see all sorts of nuts on your boat! A few flakes as well, but I just love coconut!
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