Alleged censorship on ScubaBoard

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so we can all agree that obama is savior and bush is the devil?

Speaking of nuts, I like to walk around throwing peanuts at random people. Just my way of making the human race stronger.

Some folks have real reactions to peanuts. I think Darwin is working here to thin the herd.

No one is making you stay here, just FYI...

and you might as well tell me that if I don't like Obama, that I should leave the US.
If my ideas disturb you, I'm sorry. Change needs to come from inside each one of us, and reliance on Government ( or Scubaboard) to always do the right thing, is what got us to Obamacare and the much worse stuff on it's way.....In other word's, each of us on SB have a Duty to voice their concerns and displeasure with current moderation activity--or their advocacy for it, if that is the reaction.....

I don't see how your telling me to take a hike, is in the right spirit for this conversation....but I am NOT asking for your comment to be "moderated.. :)
no but if you don't like the rules on a boat what do you do?

Find another one is my guess. . .
no but if you don't like the rules on a boat what do you do?

Find another one is my guess. . .

Finding a boat, is a lot like finding the neighborhood that you want to live need to find out as much as you can, before you limit yourself to just one or 2 homes :)
There will be many boats you would NOT want to "live in". :)
so you live in sb?
I don't see how your telling me to take a hike, is in the right spirit for this conversation....but I am NOT asking for your comment to be "moderated.. :)

I didn't tell you to "take a hike". I was just reminding you that you aren't forced to be in what you consider such an oppressive environment. I'm not telling you to leave the US if you don't like Obama, but it sure wouldn't hurt. My wife have been considering it for quite a while! :D

Oppression cannot be changed by reasonable thinking, good ideas, or petitions. It requires drastic change. Sort of like how U.S. Citizens fled Europe. Their ideas weren't creating change so they left. I guess that idea applies to both the current administration as well as Scubaboard. Food for thought.
I was under the impression that Pete does in fact own scubaboard. Right at that point your whole analogy goes right out the window.

Scubaboard is not a democracy, it is a benevolent (ok if you are pizzed off you may disagree on the benevolent part) dictatorship.

There may be a quasi system of checks and balances, but in the final analysis that is all subject to the final (of sometimes tacit) approval of Pete.

If I invite a group of people to come over to my house and party, even if it is a regular and long standing arrangement, it is still MY house. If I choose to enforce MY rules, the guests should obey them or leave. In the case of Pete's house....everyone agrees to follow his rules when they accept the invitation to the party.

So, we need to all honor that commitment, or leave and go throw a party of our own someplace where we can make our own rules. Or one person can own build his own house and invite people to the party, asking them to obey his/her rules. I suspect if someone were to do that, they might get a little upset if the guests that came to their party suddenly decided that because there are a lot of them and they hang out at that house a lot they somehow became owners of the house with the right to make their own rules.

So, in a nutshell, this is not a democratic country in any is a privately owned entity that everyone but Pete is allowed to partake in as long as they obey Pete's rules. If anyone doesnt like it they are free to not come here....they are NOT free to invent their own rules or tell Pete how he should enforce his rules. There is no squatters rights provision that I know of.
Although I was born in the United States, I did not "create" the country, and I do not own it ( pretty sure some large corporations and Trilateralists are the major stockholders that own it :)
While I do not "own it",.....because I and many people I know "live" in the US, and we have for many years, WE feel it is our "right" to attempt to "fix" what we can, when we see something about the US that is broken, or WRONG.

SCUBABOARD is a very close parallel to this. It is not mine or yours, and while Pete may claim a form of ownership of it, the real substance of Scubaboard is it's 200,000 plus members or people that LIVE IN IT. Without these 200,000 plus people, scubaboard would be a meaningless url...

So here we have this heavily populated "virtual country", .... IS it a country where those who live there have a say in their LIVES and their RIGHTS and freedoms....or, is it a country where everyone of us must follow strict protocols of behavior, or face REMOVAL from the gene pool of this virtual world?

Do we have a say in the actual punishments, that the Rulers of this world would rain down upon those deemed to be TROUBLE MAKERS or MALCONTENTS,
or are such pronouncements only the right of Kings and Grand Marshals ?

I question the Zero Tolerance Policy, and on what it can or should be applied to..... and I question who has the right to decide on matters such as this.

In our political system, a definitive difference is made between public property (like the government, anything state-owned) and private property. Following the line of reason indicated in your post, any huge enterprise employing and depending upon thousands of employees, or participant customers belongs, at least in part, to them. I don't reject this kind of socialism, but it is most certainly not the system prevalent in this nation, in the US, where any group other than stockholders or owners who attempt to control or set policy for a privately owned entity will quickly find out exactly who owns what.

Protocols of behavior have little or nothing to do with any of this. We are not dealing with Rulers of the world vs. troublemakers. We are dealing with a polity that very clearly recognizes private property and the rights of legal owners to dispose of or utilize that property as they see fit, subject to many limitations (not nearly enough in my view) but in any case, ultimately it's their candy store and if you don't like it go to another.
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