I am currently diving with Aldora and staying at the Casa Mexicana. Its really convenient being 1 minute from the dock. The room here is great, and the breakfast buffet is very extensive. There is a 7- 11 right next door and several drug stores within 5 minutes walk, so that's useful too. Yes, the DM has a diver share so the dive doesn't get cut short. I can vouch for that because I've been that diver. If I stay deep for a long time, or have a very strong current dive, I end up having to share. I've done morning dives other than one afternoon and night dive. What no one mentioned is that the DMs often ask what site do you want to go to, or what do you want to see. For me, yesterday, that choice,was taken away when the other three divers had way less experience than me. But it didn't matter to me as I only came to gain more experience in currents, which I've been getting in spades. I switched to Adore because my favorite DM moved there. And I'm so glad I did. Longer dives, freedom in sites, diving the Cathedral for the first time, dive coats! Usually no more than 4 people in a group, and my equipment set up and cleaned and checked if there is a problem. All the DMs are super friendly and offer advice and are very knowledgeable. Its a great shop to be diving at!