WOW - I just got two replies from Israel!!!
The first is Tel Aviv Dive Center - Tel Aviv, Israel (Mediterranean Sea). The Second is from Dolphin Reef - Eilat, Israel (Red Sea). I am copying them with their responses first and my question last as this is how they appear on their email replies. I "disguised" my real name and private email address. In my email, I wrote "H'avarim", which means "Friends" and "Toda" which means "Thank you". I am not Jewish, but am Christian, but I do speak some Hebrew.
I do hope this clears up the question about "Air2s" in Israel. What about other countries?
Here are the responses from Israel:
#1 - Tel Aviv Dive Center (Mediterranean Sea)
From: àå÷èåôåñ []
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 3:00 AM
To: 'myrealname'
Subject: RE: Israel Dive Authority
Hello "myrealname".
In Israel you indeed must dive with an "Octopus". That is separate from the Inflator hose.
Have a nice day
#2 - Dolphin Reef Dive Center (Red Sea)
From: Estelle []
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009 11:58 PM
To: 'realname'
Subject: RE: Israel Dive Authority
Hi "realname"
Yes, that is correct.
The Israeli diving laws are more conservative than most countries and you have to enter the water with an octopus as an alternate air source.
#3 - DrDaddy's Original email question (Pacific Ocean, USA)
From: "myrealname" [mailto:""]
Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 4:52 AM
Cc: "myrealname" - which is not "DrDaddy",what my children called me

Subject: Israel Dive Authority
Shalom H'avarim,
Could you please tell me the Israel Dive Authority's rule on using a combination inflater/octopus (Air2s or Air3s).
I was told that the IDA required you had to have a spare regulator (commonly called an "octopus") and a separate low pressure BCD inflator hose.
Thank you for your help on this matter.