Air fare bargains are appearing

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10 hour trip versus 2 hours - I think he'll spend the extra $50.
Yeah, sure. United is not showing up as a carrier on Matrix and their own site malfunctions. I doubt that he'd want to drive all the way to Intercontinental anyway.
Unless we are dating, I'm not giving up my aisle seat.
I'm married and she still isn't getting my aisle seat. I will give her the window though, even if it means I'm stuck in middle.
I remember the days when we could book the aisle & window seat in a row of three and probably have the middle seat empty. If anyone showed for it, then give them the window.

Those were the days when non-revs were the nicely dressed folks who boarded last and sit in First. Nowadays they board behind Basic taking anything left.
Chocolates. Always, always bring chocolates for both the crew and gate staff.

How do you handle this? I'd feel like a pandering fool. I'm not saying anyone is because I would like to have the panache to pull it off. Please advise
How do you handle this? I'd feel like a pandering fool. I'm not saying anyone is because I would like to have the panache to pull it off. Please advise

I would hardly describe myself as having panache but, umm, OK?
I just hand the chocolates to whomever is standing at the doorway when you board the plane and tell them it is a thank you for taking care of you and your family during the flight. The press of people behind me makes it a short encounter.
Most of the time we get a simple thank you during or after the flight. Sometimes we get full bottles of water instead of cups or first class desserts (these are really good, BTW).
On long hauls it is also good to tip the crew when they bring you drinks and snacks and stuff. If you tip a waiter, why not an air host? If you check on line these folks make peanuts and have to put up with our crap, keep us safe, clean up after us, and try to be friendly in the face of abject a-hole behavior.

Besides, any chance to be bigger than yourself or put a smile on someone's face is a gift from God. It doesn't happen very often these days so take the opportunity when it comes and embrace it.
I do try to make eye contact upon entry and always smile warmly and say hello (when exhausted it's probably more wanly than warmly). I always thank them as leaving and am very polite during service.
I do try to make eye contact upon entry and always smile warmly and say hello (when exhausted it's probably more wanly than warmly). I always thank them as leaving and am very polite during service.
At the risk of sounding sexist, it probably has something to do with our age and gender. I am never treated the same as my male counterpart, be it house/car repairs, large purchases or (it seems by this thread) upgrades .
I would hardly describe myself as having panache but, umm, OK?
I just hand the chocolates to whomever is standing at the doorway when you board the plane and tell them it is a thank you for taking care of you and your family during the flight. The press of people behind me makes it a short encounter.
Most of the time we get a simple thank you during or after the flight. Sometimes we get full bottles of water instead of cups or first class desserts (these are really good, BTW).
On long hauls it is also good to tip the crew when they bring you drinks and snacks and stuff. If you tip a waiter, why not an air host? If you check on line these folks make peanuts and have to put up with our crap, keep us safe, clean up after us, and try to be friendly in the face of abject a-hole behavior.

Besides, any chance to be bigger than yourself or put a smile on someone's face is a gift from God. It doesn't happen very often these days so take the opportunity when it comes and embrace it.
I like all of that except for the tipping. I'm going to pack some Ferrero Rocher for my next trip and share those with the gate agents & FAs just to be nice, but the tipping seems to cheapen their roll. FAs are trained to take care of our safety and get us off the planes in an emergency and for that I am genuinely appreciative. The drinks & snacks are a fill-in activity between the most dangerous parts of every flight - take-off & landing. Well, I am usually asleep when they pass anyway. I do try to stay awake and pay attention to the safety briefings as a courtesy to the crew even if I think I know the whole drill, including how to put on a seat belt.

I have landed with firetrucks lined up all the way down the runway before, the time that we lost power in an engine on take-off. Delta had another plane waiting for us, just get off and get on, but I noticed several passengers leave instead. I've never had to do an emergency exit. I think I'd deck anyone who tried to drag their roll-on off of the plane. I would be tempted to grab my back pack with my money & meds tho.

I am amazed that people are still boarding cruise barges, with the risks of getting stuck on one.
Meet the Insane People Still Planning Cruise Ship Vacations
Ahh, young Padawan...

Yes. Go with the fancy chocolates. No one can resist Ferrero Rocher.

Just show genuine gratitude for someone who gets yelled at and unappreciated for doing their job. Expect nothing in return except for maybe a smile. If upgrades and treats come, great. If not, you made someone's day a wee bit brighter.

I well remember the day I was at Reagan National and my flight to Boston was cancelled due to a snow storm that grounded the plane somewhere else. Another flight came in and was being routed to Boston so everyone made a dash from 1 gate to the other to grab the open seats. The gate attendant was working re-ticketing 40 or 50 passengers in line and when the A-hole in front of me got to her he was ranting and raving and yelling about the delay and making a total scene - he'd probably be arrested today for behaving like that. After he was re-ticketed I was next in line and looked at the gate attendant and said "Pay no attention to that F*****G A-Hole, you're doing a great job". She handed me my new ticket... Seat 6C or something. I paid no attention to it until I boarded the plane and found seat 6C resided in 1st class! Normally, a flight from National to Logan is a short one so who cares about 1st Class? This flight we departed the gate and sat on the tarmac for 3 hours in line waiting for take-off while the pilot repeatedly assured us if we went back to the gate we'd not make it out that night. I enjoyed kicking back in 1st class with my seat fully reclined and foot rest fully extended enjoying my hot towel and some cocktails and snacks as I watched Mr. A-Hole waddle through 1st class on his way back. I kept an eye on him to see if he was going to make another scene but he didn't..He just kept waddling all the way back to his seat in the last row of the plane! Ya reap what ya sow.
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