Personally I think even 0.1% is too high, yet I feel reasonable sure the actual risk of what I did here is below that threshold. This chart is saying a 1 minute exposure has a 2% chance of symptoms at PPO2 2.5, that's almost twice the pressure I was at. Hell, the first convulsion in this chart is after almost an hour at 1.75?
Of course there is still some risk, I'm sure even 1.4 has some theoretical risk, but as a general rule I'm happy to take risks that are clearly below the threshold where the first recorded accidents are on a well studied topic. This discussion is reminiscing of arguments I've had countless times about taking recreational drugs, I'm happy to do it but only light/moderate doses, after doing extensive research and using test kits on anything I take. Most people either don't take drugs dogmatically or take whatever they are sold at a rave, I agree with neither side and don't expect to get their blessing