Advise for a travel friendly BCD

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The reason there is almost a religious ferver about BP/W on scubaboard is because this is the only place we have to express our views. There are very few BP/W divers in the world compared to the rest of the diving population, and most of the BP/W divers are here. SB is a huge source of information about BP/W and many readers have made the switch because of scubaboard. Those converts just happen to hang out here adding to the church of BP/W.
If you’re upset that there is bias towards BP/W here then go to your dive shop and rave about how great your poodle jacket is there. After all, over 99% of units sold world wide are jackets so I don’t know why you guys are so worried about it.
A few things:

The tendency of some BP/W enthusiasts to call anything that isn't a BP/W a "poodle jacket" or to suggest that only new or less competent divers fail to recognize the unwavering superiority of the BP/W suggests a lack of reasonableness or objectivity. I have noticed something here. A number of the BP/W advocates on this forum (but not all by any means) take firm positions on this subject based on a fundamental misunderstanding. They used borrowed or rental jackets in their classes and maybe for their first dives, often the wraparound kind, and often low-end rental models, perhaps not even sized properly. They were overweighted (as many dive students are) and experienced a cumbersome, uncomfortable product. It kept them from floating to the surface when they did not want to, and kept them bobbing on the surface like a cork when the needed to be on the surface, but that did little to enhance the dive experience. They then tried a BP/W and got their weighting better sorted, and loved the feeling. In reality, a good back inflate BCD with little or no inherent buoyancy and that fit well would have done the same thing, but they don't understand that. Maybe a good wraparound BC would accomplish the same thing, I am not sure. I suspect a number of people who tout the wonders of a BP/W would be just as happy with a quality back inflate BCD that fits well, if they knew about them or tried them first.

Frankly, when I see folks with BP/Ws in warm water "fly-to-dive" destinations, I notice many of them have added things like padded shoulder straps, pockets and weight pouches. Essentially, they have converted their BP/W into a back inflate BC. Some even leave the steel plate at home and use a kydex or aluminum plate and then wear a weight belt, because of airline weight issues. Granted, if you are so inclined you can get a more reasonably sized wing than comes with a lot of factory BCs and you can certainly tailor a BP/W to your personal tastes more readily than many factory BCDs if you need extra D rings and other gadgets. I often see it claimed that a BP/W can be put together much more cheaply than the cost of a BC. I have no idea if that is true. Assuming it is, then I guess the BP/W may be worth a closer look for those who can't afford a factory BCD.

As I said in my earlier post, certain types of diving and certain body shapes make the BP/W more desirable. It is also a perfectly reasonable choice in other kinds of diving or for those who simply prefer it. I don't care in the least if someone likes something that I may not care for. I also appreciate that in some situations a backplate and wing can offer clear benefits. But come on, they are not the best choice for every diver in every situation and when someone says "hey direct me to some good travel-friendly BCDs for warm water diving, it is quite possible that a BP/W is not really what they are looking for and not really the best choice, and calling anything else a poodle jacket or a poor choice is unreasonable and unhelpful. I have a family member who is a farmer in the midwest. He drives a large, 4wd pickup. I have another family member who is a retired guy living in Miami. He drives a Vette. Neither one of these guys would be happy with the other's car. Choosing the right BC is a similar concept. What works best for one person may not be best for another. Unfortunately, some BP/W enthusiasts cannot grasp that concept. I think someone needs to counterbalance the vocal BP/W voices on this forum when someone is looking for help.

I have no issue when someone says the BP/W is an option in response to a broad request for suggestions. I have no problem when someone objectively points out what they believe to be the benefits of a BP/W. But, when a question is asked that clearly is about something other than a BP/W, and some people feel the need to jump in and "convert" that person, I think that is a bit obnoxious. When other types of BCs and divers who don't prefer the BP/W are referred to in a derogatory manner, I find that obnoxious. It would be like someone asking whether they need to spend the extra money to get a balanced regulator or not, and the only responses were that only a rebreather or a vintage double hose reg is worth owning.

Sometimes when people ask for BC suggestions, people like me who haven't drunk the kool aid just send PMs and avoid the battle. But, sometimes, I figure it is worth saying something or I am feeling a little more fiesty.

When someone comes on here and asks about which BP/W is best for them, I don't jump in and point out that they should consider a back-inflate BC instead or insult the products or users. If you have a BP/W and like it, I think that is great. If you want to tell people how much you like it, that is great too. If you had a certain type or brand of BC before and found it lacking, then you should feel free to share your experiences. But try to keep some balance and some respect for alternative views and try to understand other people may have different goals, different tastes and different needs.

That is my opinion, anyway. I hope you all continue to have great dive experiences regardless of what gear you dive with.
I have about 800 dives in SE Florida. I've seen very competent divers using jacket BCs, back inflation BCs and BP&Ws. I've also seen incompetent divers diving all 3 systems. Just like in other diving locations, BP&W are the minority of BC choices, though probably higher than in many locations. ScubaBoard is grossly over-represented by divers who favor BP&W. That should not be misinterpreted that this system is best or correct for the majority of divers. I will gladly exchange diving competency for equipment choice.
The problem as I see it is that the BP/W advocates are talking about their experience with their gear and why they like it better. They talk about what it weighs and how it packs when travelling. What they aren't doing is making false accusations about the people that post about their jacket bc. They don't misquote advocates of say a Zuma. I didn't for instance claim that jacket advocates are claiming that jackets are the only way to go for a travel bc. That would make them seem unreasonable but they never said that. They said they liked their jacket bc after trying both. I for instance said that I liked my Zuma but I like my BP/W more and I said why.

Is there a reason that you think a Zuma(or whatever jacket you choose) is a better choice or is your primary reason for posting to warn the OP about the zealots that want to push BP/W on every diver for every situation? I just don't see that happening. What is the downside to to the bp/w. I came up with one. I gave pros and cons to both. I only see you talking about the posters and not the gear.
The problem as I see it is that the BP/W advocates are talking about their experience with their gear and why they like it better. They talk about what it weighs and how it packs when travelling. What they aren't doing is making false accusations about the people that post about their jacket bc. They don't misquote advocates of say a Zuma. I didn't for instance claim that jacket advocates are claiming that jackets are the only way to go for a travel bc. That would make them seem unreasonable but they never said that. They said they liked their jacket bc after trying both. I for instance said that I liked my Zuma but I like my BP/W more and I said why.

Is there a reason that you think a Zuma(or whatever jacket you choose) is a better choice or is your primary reason for posting to warn the OP about the zealots that want to push BP/W on every diver for every situation? I just don't see that happening. What is the downside to to the bp/w. I came up with one. I gave pros and cons to both. I only see you talking about the posters and not the gear.
I've dived a Scubapro Knighthawk for about 1200 dives. I've recently acquired an Aqua Lung Outlaw and have about 100 dives on it. Are you telling me that, with your limited number of dives, you are expert in BC choice for the majority of divers based on your own preferences? I love ScubaBoard, but I do not not necessary agree with some of the politically correct recommendations.
@scubadada … I wouldn't take the profile number of dives as gospel … some people are modest

The OP made the mistake of asking some nice looking and well meaning Jehovah's Witnesses he met in the street for directions to the nearest Methodist Church …
Are you telling me that, with your limited number of dives, you are expert in BC choice for the majority of divers based on your own preferences?
Where did I ever say that? What do you like about your outlaw? That would be helpful.
Poodle jacket is a pointless and unproductive label to use. Jacket and back inflate BC are much better labels, though PB/W would actually be a sub class of back inflate.

On back inflate BCs: If you like a certain back inflate BC, it seems like it has a buoyancy bladder, straps and stiff things holding it, you, and a tank together, and likely pockets. A BP/W is just a way of doing that where all the parts can be swapped out and sourced from different companies if desired, and assembled to the tradeoff of lift, weight, tank stability, and travel ease that you want.
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For instance, I am buying a used bp/w at the moment. My wife will benefit from the steel plate in Coz so we will take it and the harness and leave it there. She will only travel with the wing. I'll use the 26 lb wing at home where I've been wanting a bit more lift at the surface with my steel 100 and still use my 20 when we go to Coz. Mixing and matching as needed.

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