Hi all,
I am about to buy my first BCD, and would like some recommendations for wings / backplate set ups. I'd like to get the simple (one piece) harness with an aluminium plate and a 12.5 and a 28lbs blatter wing.
In the shop near me, they only carry OMS, Techline and the already assembled wing standard ZEOS28 by XDEEP. As I'd like to try them on first (still waiting for lockdown to be lifted to go to the shop), I think I will have to choose from these three.
Do you have any experience with these?
Also, I am still deciding on the material for the plate. I am drawn to aluminium because I usually dive in the tropics, but maybe a steel plate would be more "versatile"?. For information, I am a small (5"5, 100lbs) female and dive recreationally but also as part of my studies (scientific diving), usually in warm water.
Thank you all in advance