About par for the course for PADI from my experience. Have come to learn PADI is not much more than a marketing company and only about a step away from being a Multi Level Marketing scheme
I'll be the first to admit that I don't know much about the different organizations and I know that PADI gets a lot of crap for a lot of things. I tried to careful in my original post not to say it was PADI for this reason. I wanted a discussion on what the course could have/should have been which I've gotten. That said, in my limited experience it does seem like this is the case. Burn through levels and get instructors. I wonder how many instructors there are in the organization that pay fees but don't do any teaching?
Is AOW required or just the "deep" aspect of AOW though?
I've wondered the same thing. If you had a deep cert would boats allow that instead of the AOW? No idea. Where I dive, if you want to go below 30-50' it is going to be really cold. My first deep dive was with a much better instructor than this one, we were at 87' and it was 37 degrees. Its also going to be really dark, and probably pretty poor vis. All of these factors make it far more likely someone will panic or have another issue like a free flow.
I'd like to find a good SSI instructor and do my deep cert with them. It's not that I feel like I couldn't do a deep dive right now, I do. But I'd be more comfortable with a qualified instructor (or really good buddy). I say SSI because I've already done the 2 other specialties plus stress and rescue with them.
This is the most damning thing in your report, IMHO. The class you explained does sound substandard. How much did you pay for it?
I think I agree with you. It really did feel like he was encouraging everyone to fill it out a certain way. The other thing that I left out of my orginal report was the fact that one of the students was 17. We did "3" dives the first night before the instructor realized he was not 18 and needed parents signiture. You should have seen the panic on the instructors face when he realized that. That said, the student certainly should have spoken up when the paperwork clearly stated that a parents signiture was needed. 100%. They ended up getting it but it took an extra 30 or so minutes of us waiting at the dive shop so they parents could fill it out and email it in.
When it comes to the very thing keeping me alive….I’m gonna calculate that myself, and have my buddy double check, thanks. Idk how people aren’t more self sufficient with this stuff
Agreed. I've really never been taught to do this, but I have learned on my own because I love learning and when I start I knew hobby I get hyperfixated on it and spend every waking minute learning about it. But, to be honest, I havne't really done much gas planning. Not usually. In my area the attitude is usually that it doesnt matter because we are often diving 20' or less. I feel like most people just assume that at 20' if they run out of air it is an easy swim to the surface. The more I've learned the more I understand that this is an important skill to learn/master.
When we got done with the class and we all filled out our log books together, not a single person besides me and the instructor knew how to use the tables. I think the 17 year old maybe did, I couldn't tell. True, everyone was using a computer that weekend, but still. How do you get through OW and to AOW and not know how to use the tables? How do you go on a 96' dive and not understand your NDL? My dive buddy told me more that one time he just "does whatever the computer tells him to"