Advanced Certifications....Suggestions??

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Plantation, Florida
I've already arranged to get my advanced open water certification on my trip to Bonaire (or before if time permits) and am curious as to what other additional certifications you would recommend and why. I am currently leaning towards a certification in rescue diving (kinda think this should be mandatory). Your thoughts please...:blinking:
I am currently leaning towards a certification in rescue diving (kinda think this should be mandatory).

Bingo. :lotsalove:

The rest you will get with experience.

In example: you can get an AOW where they will talk about shore diving. As with all skills that you will be coached on, local environs (such as Bonaire) are vastly different than your local conditions in Plantation, Florida..
Rescue... best class I've taken... most applicable, most fun, most relevant, most functional.
I did OW then AOW then Rescue... boom boom boom. Never regretted it. Get your training in the beginning and it will stick with you and reinforce what you learned in your basic courses and make you a better diver and a better buddy. The rest will come with more dives in different environments, and your interests will follow those that you enjoy.

I've got news for you though... training never ends in this sport.

Safe diving!
I've already arranged to get my advanced open water certification on my trip to Bonaire (or before if time permits) and am curious as to what other additional certifications you would recommend and why. I am currently leaning towards a certification in rescue diving (kinda think this should be mandatory). Your thoughts please...:blinking:

Hope you have fun and learn some new skills in your AOW.

Rescue is a great course, also some of the DAN courses are very helpful.

Safe and happy diving!
I love it when divers continue to take courses to increase the depth of knowledge they have. Better divers, better buddys.

Take the nitrox class before you go to Bonaire if you can find the time after AOW. Just one evening of classroom work. Bonaire was made for nitrox divers. Over the course of a vacation, you will get more bottom time, and at least for me, diving nitrox doesn't tire me as much. BTW, most of your time diving on Bonaire will be above 60', nitrox is a much safer gas blend for most diving at those depths.
I've already arranged to get my advanced open water certification on my trip to Bonaire (or before if time permits) and am curious as to what other additional certifications you would recommend and why. I am currently leaning towards a certification in rescue diving (kinda think this should be mandatory). Your thoughts please...:blinking:

I am going to disagree with the others..... get your OW, get your AOW (that makes 9 dives), and then just dive. You need to learn by doing. You need to reach a certain level of comfort in the water as a diver, capable of taking care of yourself, before you go to Rescue which teaches how to rescue someone else. I wouldn't do anything but have fun and dive dive dive in Bonaire.

Well I won't beat the dead horse here....

1) Stress/Rescue - The reasoning is obvious in my mind.
2) Nitrox - Certainly handy for facilitating extended bottom times and shorter SI.
3) Deep Diving - Nice to have someone running you down to 100'+ and have that comfort zone before you actually do it on your own with a buddy.

Those I would consider core classes...beyond that really depends on where you want to go with your diving.

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