Accomplishments of 2009?

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Maybe I'm odd - I didn't have any particular 'goals' this year - though the highlights were diving with both the kids in Scapa Flow, my daughter on the cruisers, my son on the barrier wrecks, then the red sea with my daughter in September. Did lots of diving and teaching around various parts of Scotland, dived Scapa several times, the North and West coasts of Scotland at random intervals - dived a quarry for the first (and last) time ever. But generally chilled and had fun in the water.
2010 - I'd hope for much the same spend time with friends, make new friends enjoy the N Sea/Atlantic ocean - hopefully the kids will want to come with me :)
I dove, not much, but I dove.
I got the ball rolling on my first dive trip for next summer. Now if I only had a time machine.

Dive a lot more than I did this year.
Get AOW.
Have a TON of fun diving in the Bahamas in August.
got my OW cert, bought my nitrox books, replaced my stolen rig, limited out on lobster during mini season both days, got my butt kicked by a nice gag grouper, got a pimped out speargun, got about 50 dives in,........ ohh and i lived.
Got OW certified, AOW, rescue, deep specialty, drysuit specialty, intro to tech, Advanced nitrox, deco procedures, Did close to 100 dives, spent over $10,000 in gear.
Switched from my vest style bc to a bp/w what a difference but I didn't get too dive as much as I would have like.

I am probaly going to buy a boat in the next week or to so hopefully I should get to dive more in 2010
Did 22 dives this year which gets me to a total of 29. Got in 3 dives in Mexico and 6 dives in Jamaica, the rest were lake dives in AR. I got my OW because I wanted to dive at our warm water vacation destinations. Decided that I like to dive more than I can afford warm water vacations so figured I better learn to enjoy the murky cold lake water:)

Bought the rest of my basic gear set up minus tanks.

I did my first "dive trip" which consisted of 20 some people on 2 houseboats on Bull Shoals Lake in Arkansas, for 4 days. Had a great time meeting new dive buddies. Did my AOW cert dives while on this trip. Also did my first night dive on this trip.

Saw my first sharks while in Jamaica. That was awesome!

Goals for 2010...
More local diving. My friend did her OW cert dives so will have someone to dive with (hubby is not a diver so I always get an insta buddy).

Dive more in warm water locations. Biggest goal is to get to see a sea turtle. I am a turtle collector so that would be the ultimate to my collection.

Maybe take a rescue diver coarse. Mostly just enjoy more diving!
Well sure it does not sound like much to most of you. But I got my OW had wanted to for years and just never took the time. And WOW did that start something. I am in the middle of buying our equipment right now. But for 2010 I am going for master scuba and to dive as much as possible.

Springs diving in Florida
Completed rescue certification
Dove Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii
Local diving


BVI and the wreck of the Rhone
Lots of local diving
I got H1N1.. lots of fun for sure,, I guess it was slow year.
2009 was quite a year for me. Some highlights:

Diving with Wyland
Working with Stephen Frink
Seeing the Miss Universe Contestants
Talking to an NFL player about diving with sharks
Pretending to get attacked by a shark for a Shark Week promo
I did a few century dives: 700-1300 and it looks like I'll hit 1400 before New Years
I've averaged over 16 dives a week, and spent about 2 hours underwater every day I worked
I switched to a bp/w
And a long hose
And Jet Fins
And Spring straps
I did my first dive over 2 hours
And my first dive with a FFM
And with Comms
I recorded dozens of people's first experience underwater
I saw my first Hammerhead
and got a photo of my second
And a photo of my second manta ray
Most of all, I got to play with the sharks on a regular basis

Some less than highlights:
I flooded my first camera housing
and my second
There was only one major incident so far this year (which may be a highlight considering the number and quality of divers that come through here; knock on wood)
I got knocked out for a couple weeks in June with H1N1

2010 looks to less exciting than 2009. I won't be doing 800 dives, or working in the industry full time. I also won't be living in the Bahamas. Hopefully I'll go on a trip or two, and get some dives in wherever I happen to live. I do look forward to getting on the path to a more permanent career (which may be against my better judgment).

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