Ok, let's ask the other side of the question... what constitutes a legitimate oxygen sticker? Who prints them? Who may buy them? Who may put them on a tank? Who sets the standard?novadiver:LET IT BE KNOWN! If the O2 sticker is a forgery the owner goes to jail . And I'm not talking about Bill I'm talking about the tank OWNER
I believe you're going to find that there is no such thing as a "forged" oxygen sticker, because there is no standard to define "legitimate" - indeed, if you look at medical oxygen cylinders the markings are as often as not a simple stenciled "OXYGEN" on the side of the tank.
If a cylinder is labled "Oxygen Clean" and it isn't, that's another matter entirely, and there may be liability (to say nothing of Darwin) issues then. But the nature of the label itself is a non-issue, liability-wise.