A tough one (politically)

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Ok, Mods beware this is not a troll. I am seeking some serious info here and will do my best to ask this in a civil manner.


As I prepare myself to get ready to take GUE training, I've ordered my DIR gear, etc., I am aware there are some lines being drawn in the sand. This topic may be too charged to discuss in open forum, if so, please just PM me.

I would like to know some background information on what is going on with GUE. I've seen that several instructors have been bounced (AG, CB, perhaps others). I've heard mention of some rift between FifthD and GUE. There seems to be some tension in terms of what is being described as DIR between JJ and GI3.

I'd like to know what is going on before I start signing up for classes. If you have specific information, and I don't mean hearsay, about what is really happening, I'd love to hear it. If it is personal, or possibly would hurt feelings or point fingers, just PM me, and keep it off the open forum.

Thanks very much.

This is going to be a simple response to a complex issue...

Any GUE instructor will be a good choice. GUE's quality control is very good. The issues that you are hearing about have to do with internal personality conflicts and product competition.

FifthD was, and is, a Halcyon product dealer. They teach classes also. The ownership has changed, but really has nothing to do with GUE. There are a number of posts that indicate that their customer service has tanked after the ownership changed.

Just take the class and stay away from the politics. You'll be better off.

Ok, Mods beware this is not a troll. I am seeking some serious info here and will do my best to ask this in a civil manner.


As I prepare myself to get ready to take GUE training, I've ordered my DIR gear, etc., I am aware there are some lines being drawn in the sand. This topic may be too charged to discuss in open forum, if so, please just PM me.

I would like to know some background information on what is going on with GUE. I've seen that several instructors have been bounced (AG, CB, perhaps others). I've heard mention of some rift between FifthD and GUE. There seems to be some tension in terms of what is being described as DIR between JJ and GI3.

I'd like to know what is going on before I start signing up for classes. If you have specific information, and I don't mean hearsay, about what is really happening, I'd love to hear it. If it is personal, or possibly would hurt feelings or point fingers, just PM me, and keep it off the open forum.

Thanks very much.


Truthfully it doesn't mater. It won't have anything to do with your training or effect you in any way that I can tell.

But, to keep current on GUE / DIR happenings subscribe to the gavinscooter list on Yahoo (you don't need a scooter, just to be interested in DIR) and the Quest list (which is about 30 bucks a year, you can subscribe through the GUE site I think).

There are two entities, 5th D (or something?) and 5thdx (or Dive eXtras I think). It is 5thDx that I think you are referring to.

Andrew just posted something on the 5thdx forums addressing his recent divorce with GUE.

If you really want more info, shoot me an email with specific questions and I'll see if I can point you the information you are looking for.


I wouldn't worry too much about things. As with anything, there will always be a certain amount of chest thumping, posturing, ect.

Concentrate on the class. Learn as much as you can. Dive as often as you can, refining those skills. The rest will just fall into place.
Was wondering this myself.

I have my Fundies at 5th D in November. Don't even know who the instructor will be now.
i took my fundies before these events started happening. been getting tons of email regarding the bouncing of certain gue individuals and the unconductly behavior of instructors but in the end, this IN NO WAY affects your training. there may be a political mess going around but hell i still got good training that will benefit me.
Well, to be honest, it was the training I was thinking of. I don't really want to get stuck with an instructor on the outs or soon to be on the outs. It seems the guys who've been bounced were quality instructors regardless of their true certifications. And with me not really knowing a lot about GUE, I don't know who is currently "blessed" and who is not.

I'll look into the lists you guys mentioned. Thanks so much for the civil and measured responses.
I'm wondering if it will be Bob Sherwood...it seems like he has been filling a bit of the void with the departure of certain GUE instructors.

That is my guess as well, Bob has been a travellin' fool lately. :D

I look forward to taking Fundies with him myself next spring to get my provisional upgraded.

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