Where was the dive site...let's go find the gear and Ebay it 
PS. Best to do that little BWARF check on every dive....jumping in the water with no air in your BC can become interesting in a hurry. Especially if you don't know how to dump your weights
B stands for BCD/buoyancy: check that everything is connected (buckles, air inflator
hose, etc.). Make sure the dump valves are working, the BC holds air (no leaks/tears) and the tank is securely fastened.
W stands for weights: make sure the weight belts are on or are secure in their pockets
if you have an air integrated BC. Also check that weight belts are set for right hand releases.
A stands for Air: double check your air (and your buddys) is on. Check how much pressure is in the tank. Check the air to both the primary regulator and octopus.
R stands for Releases: check the releases (BCD, tank strap, attached equipment, etc.) - where they are, how they come undone and are they properly buckled before the dive. You need to be aware of how it works for your buddy in case of an emergency.
F stands for Final OK: Do a final head to toe check. Are the mask and fins on, does anything not look right on your buddy?

PS. Best to do that little BWARF check on every dive....jumping in the water with no air in your BC can become interesting in a hurry. Especially if you don't know how to dump your weights

B stands for BCD/buoyancy: check that everything is connected (buckles, air inflator
hose, etc.). Make sure the dump valves are working, the BC holds air (no leaks/tears) and the tank is securely fastened.
W stands for weights: make sure the weight belts are on or are secure in their pockets
if you have an air integrated BC. Also check that weight belts are set for right hand releases.
A stands for Air: double check your air (and your buddys) is on. Check how much pressure is in the tank. Check the air to both the primary regulator and octopus.
R stands for Releases: check the releases (BCD, tank strap, attached equipment, etc.) - where they are, how they come undone and are they properly buckled before the dive. You need to be aware of how it works for your buddy in case of an emergency.
F stands for Final OK: Do a final head to toe check. Are the mask and fins on, does anything not look right on your buddy?