7/17 springs?

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dang you sound like a lawyer...


i didn't say that
Its seems yet again that my tanks arent ready this weekend - this is getting quite a joke now :wink: So i will be diving air tanks and assuming we do more than 2 dive i am happy to loan out the other once they are spent or just get fills in return, etc etc.

I would never have the audacity to call myself a lawyer, so many other rewarding occupations out there - street sweeper, restroom cleaner, garbage man, the guy who walks around getting gum off the seats at movie theatres etc :wink:
Thanks for the info, gang. That was fast!!

Andy - I'll give you a shout somewhere within your drivetime window if I'm heading that way

Simon - Thanks for the offer! I'm still uncertain if I'm going to be able to make and might not find out until later this evening. For sake of ease, I'll drive this one if I can make it. I may take you up on that offer next time, however. Where downtown are you?

Also, I'm not cave certified...will this be an issue?

Also, I'm not cave certified...will this be an issue?

nope... you can use a light in the Ballroom and dive without
a light everywhere else.
We arent as slow around here as the SE FL lot, oh how we dread voting time coming again :wink:

I dont know how long my signal will last out, if you dont hear from us sooner, then look for Andy's car, or my grey sentra with Dan flag and AAA one too on the back or a bunch of guys all wrestling with BP/W on a picnic table (oh sorry, i forgot we are going to Ginnie, dont look for that, they are everywhere). I will PM you my cell and you can hook up on the way up if you want. I assume you know the way roughly?

As for where i am, i am on Livingston between Cathcart and Hillman, or more generally between Sumerland and Magnolia, just off Eola.

I am not cavern cert'd, some guys are, and some are intro to cave, i dont think there will be a huge thing on that, you just cant carry lights in one of the sets of springs, the other you are fine in. Just be prepared to be in an overhead environment mentally.
Kudos to H2Andy for NOT fowling up his line on our cave dive from Devils Eye to the Lips and back...Good job.

However that can not be said of SimBrooks who became entangled in his chewing gum! What strange dive accessories these Englishmen bring to a spring dive.

All in all a great day with great people, Andy, Simon and James (hmmm sounds a bit biblical)

That is the second time today I have heard Simon & chewing gum mentioned in the same sentence. What gives?
sure was a great time, got to meet Wings and Scubafool GOT HIS CAVERN CERT!!
(way to go, David!)

on my end, enjoyed the dives very much, but ran off without paying Wings my share.

also, lost my camera... unbelievable. last time i had it, i put it in my pocket underwater during the river run, and i either did not buckle the pocket properly and
it slipped out at some later point, or some fiendish thief made off with it...

alas... i loved that camera, even though it was cheap and crappy.

nevertheless, a great time. we missed Scubabanker and Markyv who did not arrive,
or if they did, never hooked up with us.
Dive Report.... Part III

Great day at GS ! Much thanks to SmokeAire, H2Andy and Simbrooks for showing me around Ginnie Springs and teaching me more about diving the wonderful cool and challanging freshwater Florida Springs.

And congrats again to Scubafool ! A new cavern diver ! Good to see you right after your last dive and with your happy instructor.

Ginnie was quite crowded Saturday, but that didn't stop us from having a wonderful and full day under water. The day started early with some equipment additions and modifications. Then into the main spring, and down into the ballroom. An exciting dive for a first timer. But I felt extremely comfortable in the good hands of my 3 diving buddies. And some top notch lighting, too! We pretty much each drained a tank in the main spring. Then switched out new tanks and after a modest surface interval, headed to Little Devil, Devil's Ear and .... ooops .... Devil's Eye? Water conditions were excellent except when a training class stirred things up a bit.

Those dives gave me a quick look in to a cave environment. I can see why some divers are drawn to the challange and wonders of cave diving. After a pleasant drift dive down the Santa Fe River, SmokeAire and H2Andy went back for a little more cave diving and practice, while I was happy to suck my tank dry playing around in the main spring acting like I knew what I was doing! Not sure yet how many dives my computer recorded for the day, but I know its a personal record for me.

All-in-all fantastic day and with much learned and enjoyed. Not the least of which learned, is Chuck pays in cash, while Andy and Simon prefer an open account.

Thanks guys, and all the rest of you missed a good and long day of diving.
You all should have heard Andy squeal like a little girl when he met his dive hero "Ghost Diver". It was a sound to behold.

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