7/17 springs?

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Chewing gum is his way of dealing with anxiety underwater without having to have his water proof smokes... this is especially noticable now that his special reg with the cig-holder was retired.

Ghost Diver... my guess is Ghose Diver started out as Refried Beans Diver the evening before. :D
Ok i made it into work today, just to check what you guys had posted about the dives and to put my own account of the day in here.

It all kinda fell apart early for me, after getting to bed at 2am and up at 5.30 to drive to Ginnie (via Ridge Manor to get fins off GDI), i was a little later than i wanted to be. Due to Andy's perpetual lateness and Chuck and James having brekkie before diving (did that at home myself) i found i was only a few mins later than them at the sign in. So i had all this nice new gear, AL BP, "new" 2ndhand jet like fins (might be turtles though?) and recently (that morning), trim pockets and freshly acquired HID light (bought that morning, Andy subsequently went in and bought a very similar one) i was off to see how this would all work out. So i weighted myself out for what i thought i might need with my 5mm, which i havent dove for a while (6 months) but will need next weekend in SoCal (report coming when i have done it) we all set off to jump into the main spring. Tried to lose the gum i had been chewing on the way up in the car to get my ears ready to equalise, but instead of a sweet little ball that you normally pop out, this gum wouldnt give, it started coming off in strands, tried to get it off with the other hand, now i have two hands crazy glued together and the mess is looking like a ball of wool in my hands. I finally scraped it off my hands into the trash can, but having all 3 of my buddies laughing at me was the least of my troubles that day :wink:

I tried my brand spanking new light only to find it wasnt working - later found i forgot to hook up the cable inside the can, so i went on one of my backups for the dive, which was bright enough and still had my second back up just in case i needed it. The spring was ridiculously busy with groups of students and the like, hardly room to move in the ballroom it felt like without someone or other dropping onto you from behind. We had a good first dive, but due to the placement of my can i was being twisted over onto my side if i lay still and as my AL tank was emptying i found that i was going more head heavy (as my trim pockets were on the top tank strap) - this needed to change. Back out in the OW bowl i thought i would try out a mid-water removal, shifting of weight and replacing my kit again. This was all going well, although i should have taken my bungeed second off to get a good angle on the kit as it floated in front of me, after i had shifted over weight to counter the can's moment, i tried to replace and ended up getting several hoses and cable the wrong side of my harness, not good, but the rig was back on - i know how to do it better next time :wink: Doing this corrected my rolling trouble, but alas i was still head heavy. Moved my trim pockets to the lower tank strap and that seemed to solve it all, pretty happy now. The only trouble on that dive, apart from the gum, the light, and the wrapped up hoses was a small, barely noticible sinus squeeze i felt going in, but yet i have had no other trouble this week - something to watch.

We then did the devils system, which was fun, although we seemed to be shadowing this other couple in the devils springs, river run and back up at the ballroom again. Chuck carried my light for me, and when we got back to the ballroom i put it back on and went in for a quick 15 min dive with James. I am so hot for this light, i could illuminate the vent from the top of where the rope starts (~100ft) as if it were daylight in there, gotta love that kind of power. That was a nice little dive getting to feel out the light :D

I thank the 3 of you for making it up there, always have a good time out with you guys, shame the others couldnt come, sorry about the mix up on the payment thing, check in the mail whenever you send me the address James.

As for Ghost Divers - those that disappear on you for a moment, but then turn up in your face if you turn around to look for them, ghosting in and out of sight. I had a lot of people doing that (although i wasnt looking for them) on that first dive into the ballroom! Although my computer showed 7 dives in total, it really was only two, just a few slight SI's in water to get my gear together or when my computer went too shallow along the river drift for an extended period of time.

David, congrats again on the cavern cert, will hope to be there with you in a little over a month from now - then we can explore the little known aspects of so many springs around here that i havent been able to see before - again not going beyond the limits, just being able to see in the shadows.

Andy, sorry about your camera, you even had shots of me doing my trimming thing and on my side due to that torque! Funniest thing was seeing where i went with that weight positioning, doing half somersaults in the water whilst i waited to see where i ended up - usually upside down on one shoulder due to the can moment, but that all got better thanks to some Chuck-aid.

Last night when I posted, I forgot about the couple diving the Devil system.

The four of us SB buddies encountered a couple, man and woman, who were travelling along the Devil system. The man was obviously an experienced diver. He had double tanks and a lot of gear. His female buddy using a single tank - spouse, SO, girlfriend, now an ex...? - was obviously not as experienced or as eager to dive the small holes. They spent several minutes at about 15 feet looking down into the spring, clinging to the rocky wall. Then as Simon and I were hovering above and we watched in disbelief as he actually pushed her down and down and down... slowly, with his full body - both of them in a prone position (him on TOP of her) - deep into the hole, down through a fairly tight crevice with a strong current flowing out and up, then forced them, pancaked together still, around a corner and into the cave. She was going in there no matter what! I think he even held her arms so that she could not inflate her BC.

I'm not sure if this is an accepted diving technique or not, but they eventually made it back out and up to the surface. I'd have liked to hear her thoughts later. Probably a female diver out there looking for a new buddy! Or a new hobby.
I was hovering around the log as i had been down in the ear before and know how crowded it gets in there with a few divers - with the 3 of you and this couple, i thought that was enough for that little crack. I was watching from above as Andy flew ahead, Chuck get caught up slightly in the flow, backing up slightly towards you, and you backing up slightly towards this couple as she was gripping the rock (not due to the flow i will add) and i could see the look on her face. Then once you had got ahead, looked around and moved out of the way, i saw her being pushed into the ear, which she quickly left (alone) and he stayed in for a while. While she was doing her safety stop i flashed her an ok, she replied, but i could see fear in her eyes. Sad really. BTW, doubles or not, i dont think he was a hot diver in anyones eyes except his own and i would have suggested that she find another guy to dive with. We encountered them in the eye, the ear and then back in the ballroom (guess they did the river drift too) - the only time i didnt see fear was in the ballroom, even in the eye she was gripping the rocks as if she didnt want to go in - not even near the cavern/cave entrance, but on the opposite wall, like she wasnt going to get pryed off them - i guess he grabbed her fingers and prised them off! Not a good looking situation. I was in the "privaledged" position of watching this all unfold below me from the logs.
I would say "I wonder how this guy would have felt about himself if she panicked and died" but I think this guy would have probably blamed it on her panicking. GRRR!
.... Chuck pays in cash...
And sometimes a really fine hat! :D

Good report guys, it sounds like ya'll had a really good time.
And sometimes a really fine hat! :D

Good report guys, it sounds like ya'll had a really good time.

We had a GREAT DAY.... only way to make it better was to have you diving with us, Jenny !

But about that HAT as payment from Chuckie baby.... Hmmm.... he didn't mention a thing.... and you know how us guys talk.... or DO YOU?... LOL :wink:

Hope to see you up north soon.
James, someday in the presence of Chuck, I will be glad to tell you about the mighty fine hat he gave me.
Man, to live in Florida, and dive when you like...I envy you ppl.

And Simbrooks, you are still spring diving springs in a wetsuit?!?!? Didn't CBulla and I prove you don't need that cumbersome thing?

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