7/17 springs?

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i will too, to help with the discount
i will too, to help with the discount
Wings will be riding up with me. So I guess it's four of us getting there at 8am?

And what about the cookout?

will join you at 8am to get the table and of course to start setting up my gear - needs a little work i feel. Has anyone got a weight bag that we could store weights in on the bottom for all this trimming stuff? I was thinking like a collective pile to be quickly used/replaced within trim pockets etc whilst diving rather than constantly popping up and grabbing more weight.
I've several bags that I can bring to put the weights in. Not to worry.
8am seems good to me, i am stopping on the way at GDI's place to pick up the fins i couldnt get hold of last night. Should be a good day, although i would hope to get in at least two dives in the morning before the rain comes in. Actually i hope tomorrow is like today, overcast, cant stand suiting up in the beating sun :wink:

I can finally PM you all my new cell, just in case i need to get in touch - its been a long time coming! See you in the morning if no other details need to be worked out - except the BBQ. The only thing i can do for such an event is food and drink, have no BBQ stuff, unless we get one of those use once and throw away tray type deals from the grocery store.
WOW..... welcome to the 21st Century, buddy :wink:
I had one before in the UK, in fact i had 4 different models of Nokia phones, two different service providers and about a half dozen different plans. I just never got into getting one in this country, which is partly due to being denied a phone when i first got here due to lack of credit rating (0 when i first got here) and histroy, so i just put it off, wise@ss :wink: - PM's coming
Hey Gang...

Looks like my previously busy scheudle MAY be opening up tomorrow. I'd love to join in the fun if I can, in fact, make it. Couple of questions:

- Do you know if I can get NITROX tanks there? My local dive shop will be closed by the time I find out about tomorrow and I've slacked on filling mine after my last dive.
-How will I know the group of you when/IF I can make it?
-I'm in downtown Orlando...figure 2.5 hour drive?
- Do you know if I can get NITROX tanks there?

no, but there's a place a few miles away were you can.
Simon can give you directions.

-How will I know the group of you when/IF I can make it?

you can call me at 904-382-9979. I'll be driving for about
an hour and a half, from about 7:00 to about 8:30, to
get there. Ginnie is a cell-dead zone for me, though.

once you are there, look for my car, a silver Mitsubishi Lancer
with two dive flag bumper stickers (one regular, one

-I'm in downtown Orlando...figure 2.5 hour drive?

sounds about right... Simon would know

you can get O2 compatible fills or nitrox at cave excursions up the road, Ginnie only has regular compressed air. You dont really need it as the max depth will be 55ft, and you wont stay there long, you will mostly be around 30-40ft inside the cavern and around 15ft where we will be playing with weighting/trimming etc.

Do you want to share the ride up from Orlando? I am downtown too, about 2-2.5 depending on traffic. I have to pop in to the Clermont area on the way up, but that should only add about 15 mins onto the journey i reckon. I am thinking of leaving just before 6am - which is going to be hard to do.

I am not sure if any members in the group will have SB t-shirts on, but there will be a couple of older guys, some middle aged and youngsters like me. There are some photos posts 40, 49 & 101 and others from our trip in May to Ginnie that might give you an idea of faces. You need to look for Andy (H2Andy), Chuck (Smokeaire) and Simon (Simbrooks) in the names, James/Wings wasnt there.
no, but there's a place a few miles away were you can.
Simon can give you directions.
Ask Chuck - Smokeaire, he knows, i dont, would like to find out though, last time i had regular air tanks rented from Ginnie and filled up there, even for 5 dives on the busy saturday.

sounds about right... Simon would know
I promise you Simon knows next to nothing about anything, he doesnt know all, about tank filling or directions/time, but yes it is about that long at worst.

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