7/02- Friday PM and 7/03-Saturday Am

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First I want to thank Scuba Jenny for her warm hospitality and excellent under water navigation that got us back where we started in the dark.
Marvel, well your name is an understatement. I enjoyed your company.
FLL Diver, it was good meeting you and your daughter and Valentina as well.
And I would like to thank all my producers....oh....wrong venue.

Friday's night dive was worth the drive down. The reef is very nice and the swim out to it is kin to the swim out at Venice. I would like to dive it during the day. Some highlights: lots of small squid, swimming undulating flat critters and attack worms, 'cuda, flowering soft cup corals, feeding anemones and the high point of the dive....a octopus, found by Jenny. It was my first. It was about 6" across from tenticle tip to tip and didn't seem overly concerned about us. It crawled along the top of the rocks, jetted to another rock top, flattened and then expanded itself turning a dark-ish color to frighten us off. Jenny offered a gloved finger of peace which octo accepted by extending a tiny tentacle onto said finger. Jenny then took off the glove,extended the now naked finger and octo extended tiny tentacle again caressing Jenny's finger with all the sucking power of a shop-vac. Jenny reacted,with all due respect, like she just touched a cattle prod. I thought she was in pain and decided finger of peace or not I'll keep mine to myself. Well it turned out it was not out of pain but of surprise by how much those itsy-bitsy sucker cups suck! Next time we will be prepared.

Sat. morning dive was attended by GrierHPharmd,Trish the Fish, Scuba Jenny, several others, whose names have slipped my aging mind, and myself.
Again a nice reef of lower profile but interesting critters. The highlight on this one was my first Scorpion fish found by Grier.

Now I need to find a reason to be down there more often, a girl friend, a job, because this is the place for shore diving in FL. Look out Bonaire. And the people make it worth it.
Thanks gals/guys.

Oh Simon, I didn't sleep on the couch.:wink:

Night dive with Jenny, Chuck, Marvel and Yorka.

It was my daughter Melissa's first night dive which she thoroughly enjoyed. It was an easy dive, a slight swell and a minimal north current. Swan out to first reef, submerged, then followed the honeycomb reef out to the pier. We saw a few lobster, plenty of blustering ocellate crabs and a couple of pairs of squid. Everyone else saw octopus, but it had disappeared when pointed out to us. Shrimp with glowing eyes, all kinds of little jellies floating past our lights, and the little creatures that flashed green with bioluminecense when we covered out lights.

We watched the ballyhoo schooling just below the surface from below and on our way back be literally swan into a nonplussed barracuda hovering just off the bottom. Saw all the coral feeding with extended polyps, and what looked like tube amenomes.

An easy swim back to the beach where we included ourselves in the 54% for a post dive beverage while watching a full moon illuminate the ocean and beach.

Thanks to the usual suspects, and nice meeting you Chuck and Yorka. I hope we can all dive again.


Attempt #3 at a dive report.
Friday night. Pretty much has been covered. Chuck is right about the octopus, 'cept I would put him at closer to 8". According to my Reef Creature Book, it was a Caribbean Reef Octopus. The squid (Caribbean Reef Squid) were neat and changed colors as did the octopus. The pier is very cool at night. You almost didn't need a light since the lights from the pier and the full moon did wonders. Thanks for the ballyho indentification, I thought they were needlefish. Saw a small barracuda and cardinelfish about 3-4' off the top of the reef. Also saw lots of Rough Fileclams, Chuck found a nice cowrie. Very neat dive. Congrats to Melissa on her first night dive. Good meeting Yuki.

Saturday AM dive
Its all Joes fault! We had to change from our original dive plan of the jacks. The parking lot was closed for 4th of July, and John Lloyd park's beaches still closed, we decided to the south end of the parking lot where the "Dive Area" sign is. Rebecca, Chris, Joe, Doug (welcome to SB Doug!), Grier, Trish, Chuck and I all headed out. Shortly after desending, we split up, Chuck and I, Grier and Joe, and the rest. We headed ESE looking for life. Joe and Grier found a cushion star, and I found a small spiny urchin. Upon closer look, I saw a brittle starfish who was curious to an extended finger. The four of us all got tickled by the small creature. We went over grass beds and soft corals, when the vis seemed to improve and there was lots of sealife. We saw the regulars, parrotfish, tangs, a pair of reef butterflyfish, and all too soon we had to turn back. It took about half as long to swim back in than the swim out, cause we wre not meandering coming in.
Great dive! Thanks everybody.
Oh, and Chuck, the hat fits quite nicely, Thank You!
Attempt #3 at a dive report.
and all too soon we had to turn back. It took about half as long to swim back in than the swim out, cause we wre not meandering coming in.
All too soon?! We had a bottom time of 2 hours....the longest for me.

Chuck(prune fingers)
Congrats on your longest dive! Fun aint it?

All too soon?! We had a bottom time of 2 hours....the longest for me.

Chuck(prune fingers)

Yeah, but weren't you diving doubles against Jenny's single tank?

FLL Diver:
Yeah, but weren't you diving doubles against Jenny's single tank?

Nope. Single LP 95. I will concede, however, that Jenny is an air sipper one of the best I've been around.
Or I'm a air hog.
Hey! Shouldn't you be diving? Do one for me.

Nope. Single LP 95. I will concede, however, that Jenny is an air sipper one of the best I've been around.
Or I'm a air hog.
Hey! Shouldn't you be diving? Do one for me.

That's because I don't smoke anymore :D
And here I pay you a compliment......
And give you a hat to boot.
We men are so trodden upon......

please M'am can I have some more?

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