7/02- Friday PM and 7/03-Saturday Am

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Hey Ya'll
Can't beleive that I forgot to mention Trish! Geesh, after so many emails and phone calls playing phone tag, we finally get to dive together and we ended up unintentionally seperating within a minute or two of desending...bummer
Rebecca, glad to hear your ankle is coming along better, and you are starting to appreciate the beauty of "a poor mans dive" er, you know what I mean. Glad to hear you are getting better on that air consumption too! WTG!
Grier, the sand dollar you found is called a sea biscuit. Never saw one live. Cool. Oh, and congrats on #100! WTG!
And Miss Melissa, what kind of stuff did you pull with your dad! (WTG!! :D). Marvel, care to relate a story or two?
And Miss Melissa, what kind of stuff did you pull with your dad! (WTG!! :D). Marvel, care to relate a story or two?

A nasty one she picked up from Walter. I spent most of the night wondering how heck I could have buggered up my buoyancy so badly. Little did I know I was towing a wretched child half the dive. :D

Wow... I'm just now realizing that as much as I LOVE :07: diving... I'm a S-L-O-W diver. I've met so many excellent divers over the last few years, it is an adjustment to realize I'm S-L-O-W and suck air too quickly. Hopefully, I will improve!!!

Rebecca... I'm pleased to accompany you and your hubby diving. I don't want to hold back any divers due to my inability to keep up. Seems like we are the same "speed".

Not too much to add except it was lovely FINALLY meeting Trish and she's a S-L-O-W diver like Chris and I, so it was good to not feel like I was dragging her with me. We saw a bunch of stuff I don't normally see b/c I'm zooming along. I also am getting learned on Jenny's secrets to breathing. I logged 54 minutes and had a little over 2000 PSI left in my tank. Chris and Doug stayed out while Trish and I headed in. My ankle is still weak, so an hour in the water was enough for me. I always write in my log book "the coolest thing" I saw and on this dive I'd have to say it was the shrimp making his home. He was poking his head out and grabbing sand and rocks. Pretty neato! As always, it was a pleasure diving with everyone. Sorry I was being unsocial, I've been having those kind of days lately. I think I'm a little homesick. It's prime diving weather up North right now and I miss my old buddies. Don't miss the big-ass wetsuits or the cold water. Next time we get together we should plan lunch or something!
CONGRATS Grier! What an accomplishment! I need to get caught up on logging my dives.
Trish The Fish:
Wow... I'm just now realizing that as much as I LOVE :07: diving... I'm a S-L-O-W diver. I've met so many excellent divers over the last few years, it is an adjustment to realize I'm S-L-O-W and suck air too quickly. Hopefully, I will improve!!!

Nothing wrong with being slow, Trish. It's the best way to see things while you're underwater. And your air consumption will improve as you grow more comfortable and relax more.

Sorry we got separated. I'll look forward to diving with you next time.

FLL Diver:
A nasty one she picked up from Walter. I spent most of the night wondering how heck I could have buggered up my buoyancy so badly. Little did I know I was towing a wretched child half the dive. :D

Way to go, Melissa! Gotta keep Dad on his toes. (Just don't teach my son any of those tricks when he starts diving!)

See you next time,

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