4 tanker on Explorer in Boynton Beach / $21/tank

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WHAT THE!?!? -- So let me get this straight Down4Fun----

You are diving with me on Saturday the 21st in Jupiter and then the next day while I am going to be HARD at work risking my life for the greater good of mankind (think of the children) YOU are GOING to be out DIVING with DeepStops.. AGAIN! -- You just jump on any boat with an empty seat don't you? Just willy nilly like a butterfly from flower to flower goes Down4Fun jumping off dive boats.

This is even still winter time-- I shudder to think what is going to happen when summer comes around. Maybe you can get a mailbox welded to the channel marker of the Pompano Inlet.

I bet you could get those astronaunt meals so you could eat underwater at deco stops cut out some of that "annoying dry air time" you spend everyday as you call it.
It looks like it is going to be a great group of people. I look forward to meeting everyone.

Looking forward to meeting you too Robert! :D

And Eric,,,,,,, she's going to be diving doubles :cool2:

The next thing you know, I'm going to be "dragging her down" to the likes of the Hydro Atlantic and the Lowrance :D

Yeah real arm twist to get her in the water--

Youse guys should be motoring out right now. Four tanker in February I'd never get warm again:coffee:

Yep she is looking forward to the tech diving trips. I am going to stay here on the Rec stuff I have not seen everything in the 130' water column yet. Plus I could not imagine the Trimix fill$ would make me queasy..

Looking forward to the trip report!! -- Pics if you got em.
Akhem...I SAID looking FORward to the TRIP REPORT...
Akhem...I SAID looking FORward to the TRIP REPORT...

I'm expecting the pictures to be in the Chronicle any minute now :)
Suffice it to say, we had a successful day cleaning up the reef. (of crustaceans)

The seas were calm and the water was 72, viz varied from 40ish to 70ish.
And your GF is looking like a natural in those doubles :wink:
We started off with a drop on the Castor. Moderate current on the line. A couple of Goliath Groupers were there, though the numbers seem to be shrinking. Lots of schools of fish. Saw a spotted eel hiding inside.

From there we went on to a couple of reefs. I switched to my doubles and all went well. Although one my buddies pointed out that "if I didn't have so much junk in my trunk I wouldn't need a tail weight in doubles":shakehead: The hunt for lobsters was on. But Terri couldn't stop laughing long enough to catch a particular lobster so Brian moved and snared it. Of course who could forget Stu in his Shrek beanine:rofl3:

The Final dive Kev was unable to accompany us. Personally I think it was a test and we failed:depressed: We missed the reef and saw 35-40 minutes of sand. However there in the undersea barren wasteland was a small 18 inch coral head oasis. Unknown to us the lobster had apparently been making the same long journey across the sand and stopped to rest at this very oasis. For under this one small coral head were 5 lobsters. The first Terri caught was too small and she pushed him aside. But he kept coming back. At one point one came shooting out the other side where I was, I tried to grap it and in a swirl of sand and laughter i end up sitting on my butt empty handed. This thriled Kitty to no end as I have been relentless about teasing him for chasing a lobster all over a reef one time. Terry finally cleaned up on the legal ones. About this time a wt come down the flagline. We had been recalled. It had become clear topside that we were lost in the sand and they took pity on us and called us up.

Robert Palmer joined our crazy little group on this days dives. I'm not sure if he will return to dive with us or not, having witnessed first hand the insanity we call fun. You are always welcome Robert.

4 dives. LOTS of laughs and as always a good time:D
Thanks for the more complete write-up D4fun (and don't worry, your trunk is just fine).

I hear Kevin has a great "storybook" photo montage of me Onespeeding Muffinhead for that lobster :D

Muffinhead has been ONESPEEDED before, as a matter of fact it seems to be getting pretty routine.:popcorn:

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