15 October 2005 Upgrade Bug List

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Tech Admin:
The dive information feature has been restored. No data appears to have been lost or modified in any way.
Click on quick links, then 'mark forums read'. In the User CP you can click on edit options if you use e-mail notification for new posts to subscribed threads. I had to reset mine. On the smilie matter (you know I'm hatin' this!) let me just say there are heartbeat smilies in previous posts that are now the LICKING SMILIE!!! :11: OMG- I'm afraid to look at any more. This could be embarrassing!!!
Yah new post ain't working.
Well, for me, new posts don't include the ones I made!!! Sheesh, I'm a computer dummy, but I figured out a couple things. I'm starting to feel a li'l left out :crying:
"The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts."

I agree with the other posters. Not only am I having problems with the "read" vs. "unread" threads, but I'm getting the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts." section. On TDS (not to nitpick but just as an example of a board that's apparently done the same upgrade) there is a "Mark all threads as read" button that makes the nonupdated-but-unread posts go away.
I wonder how much sleep Tech Admin got this weeked?
there is a "Mark all threads as read" button that makes the nonupdated-but-unread posts go away.

And there's one here as well, there's always been one here. It's located in the Quick Links drop down menu and at the bottom of the forums homepage. Click it and all threads mark as inactive.

As far as why so many threads are showing up as new, we were testing some new functionality dealing with flagging posts as unread. Basically we have two options; the old style uses inactivity to determine when to rest all posts to "read" (unless you click "Mark All Posts As Read" first). The problem is that if you have 50 threads to read, there is a high probability that you won't make it through them before this is rest.

The new method that we were testing never marks a thread as read until you read it or click "Mark All Posts As Read". This allows you to determine when you want the thread indicators rest. However this seems to be more of a challenge than it's worth so I'm going to revert to the old way.
Maybe it would be nice to have a mark-all-as-read button.

Still have one.... always had one. Under Quick Links click "Mark Forums Read".
Well, for me, new posts don't include the ones I made!!! Sheesh, I'm a computer dummy, but I figured out a couple things. I'm starting to feel a li'l left out :crying:
It seems to working OK now, I had the same problem.
Is it just me? When I click "insert link" while authoring a post, all I get is a dialog box to insert the URL.

Clicking "next" inserts the script. There is no dialog box asking what text I'd like displayed, I have to do it by hand.

Got used to doing it the lazy way.

All the best, James
double post...network hiccup (I think).

All the best, James
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