Servicing this mint condition Extreme Plus and thought I would share parts breakdown, as despite threads to the contrary, this beautiful reg remains eminently serviceable.
O‐rings are standard AS568
The HP seat is an A212 from Trident
The environmental seal is the only irreplaceable part, but if it fails, you can try punching a disc from sheet silicone and adding the umbrella valve back, or just leave it open and make it an unsealed reg.
Dacor was way ahead of its time.
Replaceable HP volcano, o-ring'ed sliding cylinder instead of a diaphragm and lots of brass to make up for those foot-heavy Jet Fins
O‐rings are standard AS568
The HP seat is an A212 from Trident
The environmental seal is the only irreplaceable part, but if it fails, you can try punching a disc from sheet silicone and adding the umbrella valve back, or just leave it open and make it an unsealed reg.
Dacor was way ahead of its time.
Replaceable HP volcano, o-ring'ed sliding cylinder instead of a diaphragm and lots of brass to make up for those foot-heavy Jet Fins