PLEASE: Don't dive without DAN insurance AND the cheapest plan is the Wrong one!

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I am referencing DAN America's Dive Insurance, not their other brokered coverage plans - or go with Dive Assure if you'd like and live in a state or country where they are licensed to sell, but don't dive without good dive insurance. And do not just go with the cheapest DAN plan as it is a mistake!

I don't post in this forum much at all, but I keep running across this shortcoming in discussions - and it amazes me. Scuba is a potentially dangerous sport (not a hobby like golf; it can kill ya!) which we try to manage safely - but guano happens. I have less than 500 dives but have seen 6 divers leave in ambulances over the years, 2 of whom would not be alive today had it not been for DAN's TravelAssist - and those two had made no errors.

There are two parts to DAN coverage...

1: Membership is required @ $35/yr with family discounts available. With that you receive TravelAssist "up to $100,000 of evacuation assistance coverage. Effective for both diving and non-diving injuries, this benefit is provided by AIG Travel Assist, a world leader in emergency evacuation services. Your evacuation coverage begins when you are traveling at least 50 miles/80 km from home and call DAN TravelAssist to arrange your evacuation." Keep in mind that this must be arranged thru the member phone numbers but can be very important to appropriate treatment. You also receive a great magazine and more. See Membership benefits here

2: Dive insurance is separate @ $25, $35, or $70/year - but the cheapest Standard plan @ $25 is a mistake, not a starter plan which I guess it why some buy it without really looking. When asked why they even carried that dog, the CEO replied that some members insist that is what they want - even tho the Master paln @ $10 more is far superior. :dontknow: Many of us have the Preferred plan @ $70 with coverage more than twice the middle plan plus additional benefits, but your call - middle or top. See Dive Insurance plans here and do take a few minutes to look over the plans carefully.

So you are looking at $70 to $105 a year and you cannot afford to even dive your home quarry without it - unless you are the very rare person with remarkable medical coverage without common exclusions for scuba and/or international travel and a superior credit card limit that will allow you to pay tremendous fees up front so as to be reimbursed months later. It is true that DAN and Dive Assure both warn that coverage is not a guarantee of acceptance by all clinics and chambers and prepayment may be required in some locations, but many facilities do accept coverage and just bill DAN - or in the worst case, you can phone DAN collect insisting on money to be wired, which is what I would have to do in a major case. It can be arranged.

I don't know for sure why shops and instructors are not getting this message out better? My hunch is that they don't want Scuba to seem dangerous as that'd be bad for business, but it's true. Padi skips over this need as well, even tho they are a major contributor; don't know about other agencies.
Special note to Open Water students: Your Instructor can enroll you in the student plan for free that covers you during OW training. It is a bit of a hassle, but ask him/her to do so - and buy his/her lunch.:crafty:
This post is about DAN America, while other regions of the world have other DAN organizations and different plans - but does include Canadians, who seem to have socialized medical coverage for scuba until they leave Canada - then need it. Specifics about other regions organizations and plans would probably be best discussed on local forums. Even tho DAN organizations and plans vary by regions, DAN America members retain the same coverage wherever they travel even tho services may be coordinated by the local organization. DAN is not in the insurance business and I think that would be a conflict if they were; the dive insurance is underwritten by United States Life Insurance Company which is licensed to sell in all 50 states.

Then, if you are unlucky enough to injure your ears, cut your leg on a ladder, or end up paralyzed in need of an expensive chamber ride, you can afford the best treatment. Anyone can call DAN collect 24/7 for expert medical counsel, I've done it a few times and they never asked if I was a member until late in the chat, but when caca happens, you're covered. Make sure your card is easily accessible; I wear a DAN tag on my BC.
thank you for allowing this rant... :blush:​
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I think it is really location dependent as you've indicated.

Just as an fyi diving related injuries are covered by Medicare in Australia (i.e. the universal health coverage) though ambulance cover is not but that is cheap. I think locally to me it is only important to have cover if you are planning to go overseas.

That being said, I have the mid range cover but next year, as I am going to the US, I will take out top coverage...
I'm still with PADI nordic, so I got free insurance from that until I have to switch region, but I'll be getting DAN europe insurance, which unlike the american one also covers liability.
I just got my insurance in May (new diver) and the Master plan was definitely the right choice for me. I also added the rest of my family on (without dive insurance) too. The coverage is so much better for so little extra money. The standard plan just didn't provide enough coverage for non DCS injuries or gear replacement, which I see as a higher likelihood than DCS.
Just as an fyi diving related injuries are covered by Medicare in Australia (i.e. the universal health coverage) though ambulance cover is not but that is cheap. I think locally to me it is only important to have cover if you are planning to go overseas.

I'm told Australia is a large country. ;) Can you always get a road ambulance to a chamber or might you need to be flown there?
I'm told Australia is a large country. ;) Can you always get a road ambulance to a chamber or might you need to be flown there?

Yea, it's pretty large :P

Yea, you might need to be flown there, which ambulance cover will pay for if you have it. If not it would be expensive! Or you can also get the DAN Asia-Pacific Membership (you don't need the insurance part, that's for dive injury costs), which will cover emergency evacuation fees when you are more than 80km from home pretty much anywhere in the world.
I don't know much about how other countries are about medical expenses, emergency flights, etc and as I said "Specifics about other regions organizations and plans would probably be best discussed on local forums."
I also added the rest of my family on (without dive insurance) too. The coverage is so much better for so little extra money.
:confused: Huh? They are non-divers but you enrolled them as members for the TravelAssist benefit?
The thing about DAN to me is that it almost seems to good to be true. What are you really going to get for $70 a year is what comes to my mind, the cost, vs what they promise, seems more like a scam, but I'm not up on insurance premiums.
:confused: Huh? They are non-divers but you enrolled them as members for the TravelAssist benefit?

Absolutely. The travel assist does not have to be dive related, but DAN has to be initiator for all transport. When I called (and added my non-diving wife) the illustration they used was an airlift for a snow ski accident....

Thanks for the rant--sometimes we have to hear the realities.
The thing about DAN to me is that it almost seems to good to be true. What are you really going to get for $70 a year is what comes to my mind, the cost, vs what they promise, seems more like a scam, but I'm not up on insurance premiums.
Hehe, ok - I don't know about what DAN Europe offers to you, but DAN America dive insurance is sold at low rates mostly because of the rarity of claims, as well as being secondary - in that a diver's medical insurance has primary responsibility for paying claims that the medical coverage does not exclude. However it's not like Meteorite insurance as there is a very real risk that an injury can happen to any of us, that a diver's medical insurance won't pay, sometimes for no apparent reason - and the cost of survival can be very high. See Accidents and Incidents - ScubaBoard
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