Do solo dives count?

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Reaction score
Leftcoast of Canada
# of dives
500 - 999
For courses that require prerequisite dives would solo dives count? I am thinking in particular of PADI MD and DM, but am also curious about other courses and agencies. SSI Solo course for example (100 dive prerequisite). I know how funny that sounds BTW.
I have been operating under the assumption that they don't and have been keeping two sections in my logbook as a result.
Thanks in advance,
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I'm just curious why they would NOT count. What rationale could there possibly be?

Are you somehow getting less diving experience? I can't imagine how.

Would they be concerned about you having REALLY gone diving or creating a fake log page? How is this concern any different than if you create a fake log page with a fake buddy signature?

If any authority from PADI corporate were to say, "no, they don't count" it would be proof positive that all of the PADI detractors are right about their characterization of PADI.
If any authority from PADI corporate were to say, "no, they don't count" it would be proof positive that all of the PADI detractors are right about their characterization of PADI.

this kind of statement by a person who "claims" less than one dive per 10 posts is just as proof positive that most posts on the web are full of it. :shakehead:
this kind of statement by a person who "claims" less than one dive per 10 posts is just as proof positive that most posts on the web are full of it. :shakehead:

Whilst I disagree with what NudeDiver said, what you've said here sounds pretty full of it too ;) You don't have your dive number OR your post count up btw, so who knows how many posts you have per dive. :rofl3: Posting on the net is not mutally incompatible with diving you realise?

To DaleC, the only reason I can think of is that solo dives do not have a witness. A guy I dived with who was going for DM asked me a bit after we dived together to sign his log + put down my cert number to verify the dives we did together. However, I don't see much point to buddy signatures as dive history can easily be forged...
this kind of statement by a person who "claims" less than one dive per 10 posts is just as proof positive that most posts on the web are full of it. :shakehead:
Ah yes, the magical dive per post ratio, the exchequer of all that is good and holy......
the only reason I can think of is that solo dives do not have a witness.
Which obviously makes no sense, because....

...dive history can easily be forged...

Just create a mythical dive buddy - say, "Biff Loman" and assign him as your dive buddy on all the solo dives. It will magically give you extra experience to make you "worthy" - as if you really DID dive with someone.

If solo dives are not worthy of being "counted" - then surely - dives in warm, tropical, high-viz "perfect" waters are not worthy of being counted either.
Ah yes, the magical dive per post ratio, the exchequer of all that is good and holy......

Well you just hit 1000 with that follow up...:D

As PADI discourages solo dives this is a good question. The criteria has minimum depth, time but does not mention a buddy. I would think it is implied as solo diving goes against the Standard Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding all PADI divers are supposed to adhere to, so they most likely do not count IMO.

Of course logbooks can be forged, but the honor system is just that. How sad one would forge experience deemed vital for safety.

Nude Diver think of the liability if PADI were to endorse solo dives.

I agree that logs could be manufactured and that solo dives can be valid from an experience POV but I am looking for the actual Agency/(ies) response. You guys go argue somewhere else.

PS. ND, your "death of a salesman" reference did not go unnoticed
As PADI discourages solo dives this is a good question. The criteria has minimum depth, time but does not mention a buddy. I would think it is implied as solo diving goes against the safe diver agreement all PADI divers are supposed to adhere to, so they most likely do not count IMO.

For those that have never done a PADI course, what is the 'safe diver agreement'?

Of course logbooks can be forged, but the honor system is just that. How sad one would forge experience deemed vital for safety.

Yes it is a bit sad, the people who do this. I know of one or two people who have done this. I don't get why one would be wanting to do a professional dive course and work in the industry if they cannot even manage to do 60 legit dives (or whatever the requirement is for DM) beforehand... Doesn't make sense...

Nude Diver think of the liability if PADI were to endorse solo dives.

I am not sure of the legality of things, but is allowing someone to count solo dives towards course requirements considered to be 'endorsing' it?
I agree that logs could be manufactured and that solo dives can be valid from an experience POV but I am looking for the actual Agency/(ies) response. You guys go argue somewhere else.

No arguments here. Just pointing out as a PADI Instructor some standards that would indicate solo dives are not acceptable. Note the Standard Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding (signed by all PADI divers). Item 5 stipulates the use of the buddy system.

Hope this answers your question.


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