Does anyone from PADI corporate actually post on here? I've never seen them. I've seen lots of people asking them questions and only getting responses from other SB mere mortals though.but I am looking for the actual Agency/(ies) response.
I thought we were just discussing...You guys go argue somewhere else.
Glad it wasn't wastedPS. ND, your "death of a salesman" reference did not go unnoticed

Acknowledgement of reality (rather than ignoring it) is hardly an endorsement. I fail to see the link between allowing ALL of someone's legitimately logged dives to "count" toward whatever, and PADI somehow being liable in the case of a dive accident involving someone diving solo, in spite of numerous PADI training materials indicating one should avoid this activity. Establishing any kind of proximate cause of one to the other seems like it would be rather difficult, even for the mindless juries of America.Nude Diver think of the liability if PADI were to endorse solo dives.
Back to the question...on a more practical note, is this really even an issue? The required "dive count" for PADI's MD and DM is so low to begin with... to start DM training, you only need a miniscule 20 dives. There is 4 for OW, 5 for ADV and 4 for RD - That's 13 of the 20 right there. Are there really any solo divers with such a low dive count among us?
To purchase a PADI "Master Diver" card - you need 50 dives. While it's possible, I guess, that there may be SOME solo divers with such a low count, I don't think the number of such people is likely to be that many.
So, overall, while Dale raises an interesting question, and I'd like to hear the PADI corporate answer for it, I doubt we will and it seems like a moot question anyway.