Warm water recreational diver, mostly nitrox-32. Reefs, drifts, the occasional wreck. IOW, your basic AOW vacation diver.
BCD is a ScubaPro Glide, because that's what my rental gear was and I like it. Oceanic regulator & Octo. Regulator has a plastic clip on it that I use to secure to right side upper D-ring when not in the water to keep it off deck. On same D-ring I have a double-ended boltsnap for my primary dive light.
Left side upper D-rings have a DAN tag, and a connector for my SPG. Dive computer has integrated air, but I like the redundancy of the SPG. With the connector it's visible without unsnapping, and can be unsnapped to more easily put BCD on or if I get entangled.
Right hip D-ring has my Octo, left lower D-ring has my DSMB.
Left pocket has mirror, whistle and backup dive light.
Right pocket is empty, with small knife mounted to top of it.
Linecutter on waist belt, on left.