My message has obviously been lost and quoted out of context...Nowhere have I ever said not to carry a PLB.
You clearly stated there is no point in carrying a PLB if the equipment is fine. Now you blame others for not understanding it's "supposed deeper meaning".
But he doesn't remove all his suicide clips and retractors, when there is arguable an equal scale of magnitude likelihood of them causing an issue as there is of him being lost at sea.
As compared to being left behind by a boat, or swept away by current and not found in a timely fashion, I do not believe there is an arguable equal scale of magnitude that one of my retractors or clips will snag on a wreck and I won't be able to get myself free.
There is a slim but unlikely chance of being lost at sea, but he does feel it is necessary to mitigate that risk. Why mitigate one risk and not the other? Why carry a PLB, but not fix the hazards that he carries with him on every dive?
Leaving the relative odds aside, I don't view an inextricable entanglement due to my clips or retractors to be a significant hazard. As stated numerous times already, I don't typically swim into fishing nets or monofilament or cables inside of wrecks and get myself hopelessly entangled in a web. The only 3 "suicide' clips are on my camera and are easily removed. Should one of the retractors snag, it's an easy matter to cut it free with one of my two easily reached cutting tools. As a last resort, another option is to simply remove the rig and ascend on the stony bottle.
If lost at sea, there are no other alternatives other than to be found. Hense the numerous signal devices and the PLB which you state isn't needed because my gear is fine.