Eric Sedletzky
During our gear drive someone included a brand new retractor in a box of stuff. It even had a plastic suicide clip, not even a metal one which is bad enough!Yesterday just before this thread dropped my wife and I were organizing gear for our next dive trip. I happened upon her camera retractor she used 10 years ago for a handful of dives. My inner seven year old was exhilarated and he spontaneously coerced me to pull the cable! The unit is still laying on the floor with two feet of line dangling out of it un-retracted. Sigh. I was immediately reprimanded and shamed. Not judging those that use retractors, but I have personally never used one and doubt I ever will...especially now.
I couldn't do that to somebody so it went straight into the trash. I can't think of a single thing it would be good for doing urchin collection.