I missed it...sorry.
Truth is, I will put our FH6/ZX up against the Apeks reg any day of the week. I have personal friends that take them to 200fsw+ daily, and occasionally they go to 400fsw+. I personally have no need to go that deep, but I wouldn't let my good friends do it if I wasn't 100% confident. People forget that it was Zeagle who built up the Apeks name in the USA, and when we started making our own regs we improved on an already good design. I will never say anything negative about the Apeks line, as they are great regs - but ours are equally as good, imho.
Everyone has opinions - we may not agree 100%, but that is life on the internet forum...
While I personally use Apeks and Mares regs due to the fact that I am able to obtain parts for servicing, I have to agree with Mr. Zeagle. Zeagle took the Apeks regs and made some changes to the design. Some of these changes were evolutionary such as the replacable HP orifice, and others were apparently used to avoid the "clone" label.
From what I've seen and heard Zeagle regs are a top notch product. Hmmmm....My doubles regs are going on ten years old....If only I could be assured of obtaining parts and service kits for ZX/DS-V models. I've been servicing regs for more than 20 years, and have often been labeled as "anal-retentive" when it comes to rebuilding/tuning them. I just can't bear the thoughts of letting someone else do the job....
I've got the manuals, but am lacking the availability of parts....If anyone has an "idea" drop me a private message...
Greg Barlow
Former Science Editor for Rodale's Scuba Diving Magazine