Okay here is my 0.02.
I recently purchased the exact same thing a 50D primary and envoy deluxe second and octo.
I personally went with Zeagle Regs for a couple of reasons.
1] The instructor I trained with used them even though the shop did not carry them.
I asked him about this and he told me not to bring it up at the shop, he could get in trouble.
2] A couple of other dive masters I have dove with have had them and recommended them.
3] Wanted to get an environmentally sealed reg (I do mostly quarry diving, at times down to 42F 90')
4] continually rated very good to testers choice.( prefer to see a company that is repeatably in the top, verses one that makes it every now and then)
5] great warrenty
6] very reliable design
7] american made - (I prefer american for everything but cars

I bought mine through scuba toys, I would recommend them if your LDS will not order for you. I got mine in three days. Great Guys to work with. BTW only bought online as as spur of the moment thing, should have bought local but it was 10:00pm on a monday night and I only saved maybe 10%.
I have had about 6 dives on these regs and have found them to be very easy breathers, comfortable and best of all no freeze ups. My last dive was to 92' in 42degree water. Breathed great the whole way down and up. Also from my experience these are very dry regs.
Zeagle may not have the absolute best numbers for tech diving, but for recreational diving(meaning pretty much anything but cave and deep(>130feet)) you can't go wrong with them. Its like compareing any top of the line item. To most mortals the differences are unnoticable so the marketing weinies have to test them both to extreams to find any difference.
In addition - from what I remember a couple of years ago Zeagle did have a problem with there regs that would manifest itself before you dove only(problem didn't occure underwater) but still performed a total recall of them.
Hope this helps
BTW: seems like there has been an awful lot of Zeagle Bashing lately on this board. Mostly from the same few people. Not sure why though.