My report for the weekend:
This weekend I started GUE-F, it was actually 4 days and I just got home about 3 hours ago. I won't go into a big, long-winded report; however, it was a pretty eye-opening and humbling experience.
First impression (days 2-3): I really SUCK at diving. I went into this knowing pretty much what to expect, but I did not expect that the frog kick I thought I had dialed was wrong, my body position - wrong, my buoyancy - terrible. And this was all in the pool in 8 feet of water where each mistake was magnified.
I learned that in all my ocean dives, with all my practice was allowing me to get away with fundamental mistakes that the unforgiving nature of shallow water, a confined space, and 3 instructors who did not miss a single thing did not.
By day 4 (Sunday) we started making quite a bit of progress as individuals, and as a team. The video review was priceless. I felt like my trim was great, my head was back, and my knees up. The camera does not lie ... My knees were dropping on certain kicks, my head looked down to fumble with a bolt snap or stowing my light cord, and I was bending at the waist when I started to fatigue.
All in all it was a great first class, with the final class next weekend at point lobos.
The instructors Beto, Susan, and Rob were excellent teachers and divers and they really showed us just how high the bar goes.
AND, I actually was able to reach my valves using my big undergarments - something I have not been able to do previously, AND I can -sort of- back kick now.
I'm tired and going to bed now.