Your Opinion: Using Small LP Scuba Cylinder for Emergency O2?

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Central MO, USA

One of my three OMS/Faber LP46's (all three cylinders purchased new ca. 1995) developed paint blisters after about two years of use (in and around the Great Lakes). In 1998 or so I had my local vo-tech high school bead-blast it down to bare metal, and then I painted it with Rustoleum galvanizing paint. It has sat plugged, unused, ever since.

I am thinking about repurposing this cylinder for use as an emergency oxygen bottle. I will need to have it hydro'd and O2-cleaned (of course) and stickered/stenciled appropriately, and I will need to decide what kind of valve I want to put on it (O2 scuba valve, CGA540 valve, or CGA870 valve) and then purchase it.

What do you think of this idea? Any other considerations, things I maybe should be thinking about? I also have a Luxfer Al 40 I could use for this, instead ...


One of my three OMS/Faber LP46's (all three cylinders purchased new ca. 1995) developed paint blisters after about two years of use (in and around the Great Lakes). In 1998 or so I had my local vo-tech high school bead-blast it down to bare metal, and then I painted it with Rustoleum galvanizing paint. It has sat plugged, unused, ever since.

I am thinking about repurposing this cylinder for use as an emergency oxygen bottle. I will need to have it hydro'd and O2-cleaned (of course) and stickered/stenciled appropriately, and I will need to decide what kind of valve I want to put on it (O2 scuba valve, CGA540 valve, or CGA870 valve) and then purchase it.

What do you think of this idea? Any other considerations, things I maybe should be thinking about? I also have a Luxfer Al 40 I could use for this, instead ...

I have an AL40 with a DIN valve kept full of O2. USeful for both deco and for emergency use (with an adapter).
I have an AL40 ...

I read (somewhere) that an emergency O2 bottle is NOT required to be VIP'd annually (since it never goes in the water, never gets submerged)--which is one of the reasons I am considering a CGA870 (or CGA540) valve. Only needs to be hydro'd every five years. Have you, too, heard this?


I read (somewhere) that an emergency O2 bottle is NOT required to be VIP'd annually (since it never goes in the water, never gets submerged)--which is one of the reasons I am considering a CGA870 (or CGA540) valve. Only needs to be hydro'd every five years. Have you, too, heard this?

VIP is a scuba industry standard. No force of law behind it in the US.

I read (somewhere) that an emergency O2 bottle is NOT required to be VIP'd annually (since it never goes in the water, never gets submerged)--which is one of the reasons I am considering a CGA870 (or CGA540) valve. Only needs to be hydro'd every five years. Have you, too, heard this?

I don't think I have ever seen an 870 or a 540 valves in 3/4 NPS. I tend to keep scuba valves in scuba tanks. Makes life easier.
Yeah man what else are you going to do with your currently lonely unpurposed tank
You should see the stuff I have grabbed from the tip for such purposes up to 165bar
That's what I'm going to do after the hydro of my 40Cuff later this year.
All equipment is avaialable and I've got a 02 clean stage as on demand system and an adapter and a 02 free flow reducer and mask for free flow.
To say it in Dutch. "Beter me verlegen dan om verlegen.
A rough translation: Better to have one and don't us it instead of not having one and needing one.
That's what I'm going to do after the hydro of my 40Cuff later this year.
All equipment is avaialable and I've got a 02 clean stage as on demand system and an adapter and a 02 free flow reducer and mask for free flow.
To say it in Dutch. "Beter me verlegen dan om verlegen.
A rough translation: Better to have one and don't us it instead of not having one and needing one.
I no longer do technical dives--at least, I haven't done this type of dive in many years. So, I don't plan to be using mine as a deco cylinder (don't plan to be submerging it), and I don't plan to use a [oxygen serviced] scuba reg with it.

I do have some concerns:

1. Is it possible that I might want to again use it as a deco cylinder some day?

2. Where would I get it filled if it has a [oxygen service] scuba valve on it? There are no tech scuba shops near me.

3. If I put a CGA870 (or CGA540) valve on it, will a local shop that fills medical or aviation oxygen cylinders fill it? I am leaning more toward one of these valves, though. I wouldn't want someone grabbing the cylinder and going diving with it. I wouldn't want someone turning it on as quickly as one might turn on a cylinder filled with air or recreational nitrox. And (especially with the CGA870) I like the additional protection against accidental turn on when it is riding in the back of my car/minivan.

I have a dedicated 80AL with 100% 02 for emergency only O2 on my boat. I don't worry about VIP's because that would only come into play in the event that I actually use any of the O2....and needed a refill. Not in the plan!

I also have no plans for this to be used as a deco I keep it ridiculously marked to make that crystal clear....... plus the local tech shop knows me and understands my intended use so they are cool with refills and appreciate how I have my tank marked.

I do have a dedicated O2 reg because that gives me on demand 100% only to a conscious diver plus the bonus option of using my RescuEAN........ plus the additional option of running a 2nd stage on a long hose for IWR at 15-20ft. PLUS..... the RescuEAN gives me options if I have other tech divers onboard who have deco tanks available.

Anyway..... it may not be the preferred plan....... but at least it's a plan!





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