You may have the odd hydro shop that does O2 clean valves and found profit in it. If you have invoices in the tens of thousands for cleaning valves, they found that you are paying and they are making profit.
I'm also going to say that is not the norm in most places. What Tracy is saying really is the norm for most places.
Thanks for the additional input; I hope I didn't come off as condescending --- I am honestly trying to learn. Just seems odd to me that they would be charging us that amount, in writing, without actually doing anything.
FWIW the cost (to us) is between $40 - $80 for O2 cleaning, and that is exclusive of hydro. I guess for those prices, they could very well be O2 cleaning the cylinder, removing the old valve & spinning a new one on. I see the brand new CGA870 post valves online for less than $15/unit......if ordering bulk I would bet that price drops to $10 or even less. With the labor rates these days, it would seem beneficial for a hydro company to simply replace the post valve.