Your First Car....

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tankajava once bubbled...
I wouldn't mind having even the '58 today....sigh.

I had to see what it looked like (attached). I think that it was in '61 that the T-Bird looked like a V-2 rocket laying on its side. Those were nice.
ew1usnr once bubbled...

I had to see what it looked like (attached). I think that it was in '61 that the T-Bird looked like a V-2 rocket laying on its side. Those were nice.


The '61s had class! Beautiful lines and the tail lights did make it look like it had twin rocket engnes.

Although a solid car (like a rock...wait a minute those are Chevy's :)) aesthetically, the '58 T-Bird was to the '56 as the '72 Mustang was to the '65 1/2 - '69s. All strong cars but but Ford turned the later models into Tuna Boats. Still wish I had it today anyway. Thanks for the pic.....

Hmmmmmmm........that first car.....72 VW SuperBeetle.....Green with Sunroof. My mom's hand me down.

Went from that to a 74' 442 in 1980. Man what a car........really miss that thing.
Great car - Parent's bought it new off the lot, handed down to me when I started driving.

It was amusing taking GA's driver's exam in the bug -- you have to parallel park, in a 25 foot long space.

Parents had the engine rebuilt at about 100K miles, then I rebuilt it myself in college to fix a bad head gasket (@ 110K miles). Still sitting in the garage, waiting to be restored...
Two tone Brown, four door, sun roof. Got it when I was 16 and paid for it myself. :) My ex husband slammed it into a rock fence row and wrote it off. :(
I managed to get by without a car until the ripe old age of 39 (I'm 40 now). Since I had zero car experience I was a bit apprehensive about the car buying process, so I went with Saturn. I liked their approach (here's the price, there is no negotiation, if you don't want to buy it, no big deal). There was no pressure.

My one criteria was can I get scuba gear for two into it?

I got their 4 door SL something or other. It's served me well.
Sion my housemate used to refer to it as "Bob's little piece of crap" until her Jeep was on the blink and we took my car to Home Depot one day. She was surprised how much stuff my "little piece of crap" could carry.

I look at my car as something to get me from point A to point B. I don't really care if it's a cool car.

GratefulDiver once bubbled...
I don't really care if it's a cool car. Bob

Everyone's first car is cool! Pop in a Dead cd, and you are talking about the ultimate in cool.
Oh, yeah, the low rider king of all models! :bang: Extra cool with the unusual Hydramatic 2-speed auto.

Of course, mine rode low because the shocks and springs were so worn! Sold it for $300 in 1987 and counted myself lucky!

Let's see, there was a small hole where the hood and fender meet. Why? Because the battery try had long since rusted away and the electric wire holding it in place came loose. The positive terminal began hitting the body panel when not turning right, which made for quite a pyrotechnic show for the time it took me to stop (during a right turn to toss the battery away from the fender!) The sparks went about 18 inches up and were nearly hitting the windshield!:wacko:

Then there were the failed brake light lines. So the previous owner routed the turn signal wires to the brake pedal and rear brake lights, thus giving the people in front of me a solid indication of my desire to slow down.

Did I mention slowing down? This was the real joy! The wheel bearings leaked, and they leaked onto the brakes, so sometimes you could lock the brakes by dropping a pin on the pedal, and other times I had to lift my but off the seat (literally) to get the thing to slow moderately! That was a truly safe first car!
Don't worry Boogie711 - I'm sure your first car was really nice too!
bought it new when I was a junior in HS, 4 on the floor, little L-4 under the hood. No radio, no air. Cost about $4,200, interest rate on first loan w/ no credit around 18%, OUCH! Payments were about $145 a month - seemed like an enormous amount of money at the time.

Got me through 2 yrs HS, 4 yrs college, 1 yr real world before I gave it to my younger brother. It had 180,000 miles on it, engine was original, clutch had been replaced once. Went out & bought a 1985 Nissan Z-300.

Good luck Kayla! One tip - please learn how to change your own flat tires, check your fluids & add oil, antifreeze & window washer fluid. Dad made me demonstrate these skills before I was allowed out. I got a flat within 3 months of license, middle of night, back road, miles from nowhere. (These were the days before cell phones). Changed it myself & carried on. Don't know who was more proud - Dad or me! :D

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