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135 feet into a 2000 foot trench in the Bahamas... not much to see but dead coral
Just a bit jealous. The nest is on my list but I need to move closer to the caves first.
And for once vis was you are not the only one green with envy..... life was good those days...:D
Its funny if you take a 100ft orange extention cord and lay it on the ground it doesn't look so far but when you are underwater looking a depth guage it can mess with your head sometimes
120 ft diving the Zingara in the DomRep. Went OOA down there too! :)
68m (223fsw) 50mins Galapagos 1999

65m (213fsw) 85mins Sha'ab Rumi, Sudan, 2006

Air, single Alu80, comfort and peace


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