Your deepest depth

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Unfortunately with a lot of folks depth is about bragging rights and that leads them to do stupid things.
Only the stupid ones......... Depth is something to be respected and maybe some healthy fear is also good. But depth is something some of us want to achieve, plan and train for. There are some (pinnacle) dives that require depth, planning and training. There is nothing wrong with diving deep and mentioning it. For some it is a contest, thats fine, just be sure you know what you do and are getting into. For others it is personal achievement, that is fine too. There are no rules as to what should and should not be good in this, just personal plans, goals and activities.
20,000 leagues under the sea, yeah, that's it.. Me and my wife, Morgan Fairchild, who I've seen naked,, were diving in the Mariner trench when all of the sudden a 210 foot shark came by and swallowed us whole. yeah, So I took out my, my, my 8 foot Bowie knife, yeah, and cut the fish open and we swam out. That's when I looked at my SPG and noticed it said 20,000 leagues... yeah, That's the ticket.. oh yeah, and my dog ****ed Lassie too.. yeah......
137ft for not that long

French divers often dive deep with air :shakehead. My level, for example, allows me to dive up to 60 meters (150ft) with air. We have a lot of walls and wrecks in the Med sea you can dive deep. Near Marseille, there's a small archipelago with so nice walls coming from the surface up to 65 - 70 m (180ft).

Interesting. I have to agree because the craziest deep air dives I did were with a Frenchman. That was his MO. (by the way, 65-70 meters is a bit deeper than 180 feet)

French divers often dive deep with air :shakehead. My level, for example, allows me to dive up to 60 meters (150ft) with air. We have a lot of walls and wrecks in the Med sea you can dive deep. Near Marseille, there's a small archipelago with so nice walls coming from the surface up to 65 - 70 m (180ft).

That's very common to dive up to 40 or 50m, even if you're CMAS 2* (~AOW) with a CMAS 3* to watch you :wink:

I discovered Trimix this year (only this yeay, I should say :11:) and that's really wonderful. I dove twice the same wreck but not with the same feelings :D

60m is actually 196.8ft. 70m is almost 230ft.
Chris Bangs:
60m is actually 196.8ft. 70m is almost 230ft.
Oups! Y have to read again the conversions :D I thought it was 2,54 cm for 1 foot :wink:

Anyway, 60m is very deep when you are diving with air :shakehead. Helium is still very expensive to be famous, that's why most of us continue with air :(
Oups! Y have to read again the conversions :D I thought it was 2,54 cm for 1 foot :wink:
Oh my! You're really Zorglub!

Franquin's comics were some of my favorite reading material back in the days. Thanks for a nice flashback. :D
Chris Bangs:
60m is actually 196.8ft. 70m is almost 230ft.

if you are going to correct someone atleast be correct in doing so

You made a mistake common to those that don't understand diiving physics... depth (for diving applications) is a unit of pressure NOT length.. you used a length conversion.. the proper conversion is

1m=3.25684678 fsw, so 60m=195.4108068 (based on the European standard to the common adjusted USN standard - There is a another accepted conversion as well)

you used the incorrect conversion
1 metre = 3.280839895 foot
60 metre = 196.850 393 701 foot

The actual defination is..

10 m of salt water having a specifig gravity of 1.01972 is 1.00

for comparison
the us NAVY assigns a specific gravity 1.02480 so 1atm = 33.066 fsw, which is normally refined to 33.00 fsw

so depending on which defination you use the conversion fsw to msw is

for 33.066 is 3.2633 fsw/msw
for 33.000 is 3.2568 fsw/msw
wow. I did not know that. (depth=pressure unit) Tanx.

So...we have this friend who just did the Oriskany on air.

He used to be a Navy salvage diver. He doesn't brag and talk about the things he does--very quiet guy. But I always interogate him (he just came back from Florida, where he is from) He does these super deep fish chase speargun tournements down there. Yes, the French are nuts, but the Florida boys are too, I've noticed over the years. The Redneck Riveria turns out some maverick divers. I believe he considers it a personal acheivement to go over 200 on air. He goes progressively deeper each day and swears that he acheives some sort of tolerance for narcosis in the immediate days prior to the event.

He appears to understand deco theory pretty well and can do the math backwards and forwards in his head. I don't think it is always stupidity...some people are driven to do these things and have this affair with death. He is a very prudent boat captain and Instructor with other people's lives. Probably one of the best I have known.

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