Your deepest depth

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Just did 274ft last week in Eagle's nest (Cave here in FL) on a training dive. Dark and deep....

What course are you taking?
I'm not sure how deep I was...

But strange fish were offering me candy.
My brother-in-law tells my favorite narcosis story - he was spearfishing on the Trysler grounds, about 130-140 FSW...
"I was stalking this grouper, and pretty soon I was a fish! Right up 'til I ran out of air..."
350 on Tx and a rebreather...

Was it in the Caymans in May this year? Thought I knew everyone on that dive....
Ummmm...... 650ft on DecoPlanner.
212' On Trimix, did a couple dives working on a pipeline, though I'll probably be a little deeper on a trip I'm taking in a couple weeks.

It happened during one of my deepest dives. I looked at my bottom timer, realized I set a personal best so I checked to see if my manhood got longer because we all know deeper means bigger; right? Much to my dismay nothing down there changed and since then I really haven't cared about such meaningless stats.
Ref the speed thing. Going east about 930mph is easy. Going west at around 1070mph is just as easy. And those are without exceeding 70 mph on the freeway. :D

The guys that go fast north and south are wimps. :D

Gary D.

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