You know you're a diver ADDICT when....

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you know you dive too much when you forget how to piss in a toilet
you look at everything including the ferry your on, thinking, i would love to swim up this staircase, when they going to scuttle this baby!!!
When you look at flights for a holiday at £300 and think damn thats expensive, but purchase new regs or VR3 upgrade thinking its a good investment.....which it is.
One last thing........when dating a new girlfriend and ask if she dives or would like to dive....a no is almost terminal!!!

oh no....i have issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When purchasing a new vehicle, your first thought is "how easily I can get into my dive gear inside of that" (for ice diving).

Wow I bought my Toyota Matrix just for that reason....
You know you're an addict when you would volunteer for human medical experiment involving gills transplantation and anti-freeze blood replacement.
You know you're an addict when you would volunteer for human medical experiment involving gills transplantation and anti-freeze blood replacement.

Jeeeze, ya givin me the creeps. I haven't even started yet, go easy on the new guy huh:rofl3:
eh well i've christened my new shorty
When coming out of patient's room...the nurse looks at you and you give the 'ok' sign by placing hand on head. The nurse is a diver and returns sign.

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