You know you're a diver ADDICT when....

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you know you are an addict when you get the most thumbs up for your post on one page
The truly funny part is that it is absolutely true.......i need therapy
You decide that more certs take priority over a car. (It IS summer after all, it's nice enough to walk.)

You quit your morning job because it cuts into dive time. :shakehead:

You give up coffee all together because it makes you seasick.

There is a scuba magazine/book/chart in every room of your house....and maybe the car.

You watch the Travel Channel and can't quite comprehend all those folks sitting on the beach.... DRY! Who does that?! Horror.

You watch Blue Planet over and over and over and over and over....
You are recovering after a DCI hit and cant sleep so you get into all your gear and get into a bath thats filled to the rim with water and filled with lego men for entertainment!!

Who says I'm addicted? I prefer the term enthusiastic!
Im not addicted. I dont have a problem. I can quit anytime, i just dont want to.
I can't remember where I found this:

1. Do you lose time from work due to diving?
2. Is your constant talking about diving making your home life unhappy?
3. Do you go diving because you are shy with other people?
4. Are trips diving affecting your reputation?
5. Have you ever felt remorse after returning from a dive?
6. Have you gotten into financial difficulties as a result of diving?
7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when diving?
8. Does your fixation on diving make you careless of your family's welfare?
9. Has your ambition decreased since learning to dive?
10. Do you crave a dive at a definite time of day?
11. Do you want to dive the next morning?
12. Does thinking about your dive trip cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?
13. Has your efficiency decreased since returning from diving?
14. Are trips to dive jeopardizing your job or business?
15. Do you go diving to escape from worries or trouble?
16. Do you dive alone?
17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of diving?
18. Has your physician ever treated you for diving?
19. Do you brag about your dives to build up your self-confidence?
20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution on account of diving?

If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be a Diveaholic.
If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are a Diveaholic.
If you have answered YES to three or more, you are definitely a Diveaholic.
(Apologies to Robert V. Seliger, MD, Johns Hopkins University Hospital.)
"stands up"

My Name is Bradley, and i'm a Diveaholic

"crowd cheers"

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