You know you're a diver ADDICT when....

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I sold that tool box and got new mask, fins, snorkel.:D
When you sell your corvette for something with more room.

Heretic! :D I love my Miata, but you should see me on a diving day. There's barely room for me to sit, let alone a passenger, since there's two tanks in the trunk, gear bags in the passenger seat, and stuff crammed into every nook and cranny.

I will admit to convincing my boyfriend to go on dive trips with me, simply so we could take his car (much more room!). :lotsalove:
We tore the bookcases off the wall of the basement and replaced them with wire racks for dive gear.

The guest bathroom has hooks in it for hanging dry suits.

Searches for things in the dark are carried on by backup lights.

All the cars have rubber mats in the back.

The money I've spent on my exposure suits is greater than my clothes budget for the last ten years.

And the best one: My hairdresser is waxing rhapsodic over a new technique for non-surgical face lift, but tells me it costs $3700. I look at my sagging jowls and tell her, "That much money will buy my liveaboard trip to the Red Sea I want to take. Forget it."
You know you're a dive addict when you buy a Halycon Explorer cannister light just for the hell of it! BTW, my Explorer rocks. :palmtree: Bob
lost my wife in Walmart last night so i searched for one minute then went to the main aisle.....grabbed one of those 6 ft long round yellow foam things from a display and waited patiently for her to "surface" from an aisle.....then gave the "oK"
lost my wife in Walmart last night so i searched for one minute then went to the main aisle.....grabbed one of those 6 ft long round yellow foam things from a display and waited patiently for her to "surface" from an aisle.....then gave the "oK"
Seriously...that is too funny!

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