You can buy air tickets online for Batavia (Sriwijaya too)

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It has been possible to book with Batavia for a while with a UK Credit Card and it is good that they now accept other countries cards as well now! I have flown with them and although they are nothing to write home about the service was fine and the plane was in pretty good condition. Good news about Sriwijaya as well.
i used to be able to book Garuda flights online with my UK CCD but now I have problems, I also wish Lion Air would take international CCD as well it would make life easier!!

If LOB or Resorts help to book flights there usually is small surcharge to cover their costs (often have to use agents themselves who elevate the price) rather than to make lots of money!

One day they will all take all credit cards..!

Just was able to book a ticket on Batavia using a U.S. credit card, adding it to Sriwijaya as the only two airlines (as far as I've ever found) that you can do this with. It's reliability is down there with Merpati, but thought I'd pass along the info given as it's so hard to get airline tickets on Indonesian airlines!

AirAsia works as well if I recall, and I booked LionAir online a couple of weeks ago
In my experience, Lion Air is the only domestic airline in Indonesia which accepts foreign credit cards online. However, there are sometimes exceptions that I can't explain. Yes, you can pay by wire transfer for most of the tickets, and yes, going through an agent can incur other costs because the agent makes so little on the flights. If you use an agent outside of Indonesia who takes credit cards, at the minimum that agent has to pay the card fee (which can be high in the travel industry) and then the wire transfer to Indonesia from wherever that agent is to the ground agent in Indonesia who has the airline contracts.

Banking laws in Indonesia are the issue with overseas credit cards, not the airlines, it's not their fault. But the airlines usually do not make it clear from the beginning of the booking process (which I find tedious) that they can't accept foreign credit cards. This should be made plain right up front before people waste time.

Lion Air must do their payment processing in Singapore or somewhere.

Batavia seems to work sometimes for some people, other times not. I don't know why.

Lion Air seems to be doing great and so far I have not had any problems or complaints about this airline. This is the one I am recommending now and they fly almost everywhere a diver wants to go in Indonesia:

LION AIR - We Make People Fly
Not even sure where to begin...I think i can feel your sense of indignation over someone contradicting you all the way across the Pacific. You have to be more tolerant of viewpoints that just don't happen to be your own...a difference between us appears to be that while I talk about presenting different opinions with the goal of people making the right choice for them, you seem to see things in black and who disagrees with you is either wrong, or, in my case "ignorant."

I don't declare myself to be a "self-styled expert," but my trip next week to Indonesia will be my seventh in the last 3 1/2 years, with many of those lasting a month or more. I've also been fortunate enough to have been to travel extensively enough to dive in 30 countries so far, dealing with countless agents inside and outside the U.S., and about every airline booking situation one could run into. My experiences do give me a basis to give an informed opinion, especially since early on I've looked to save money and largely make my own travel arrangements. There of course is nothing wrong with using an agent, as I've mentioned. Especially if money essentially isn't a concern, and one wants and needs the comfort and security of knowing air reservations are taken care of, using an agent can be ideal. There is, of course, nothing wrong with that. But booking internal air *without* already being in Indonesia can set you up for more than just a "small commission." You'll likely be dealing with considerable mark ups on the price, surcharges (5% or more) for credit card usage..if credit cards are even accepted, and, if not accepted, the even worse option of dealing with the hassle and cost of a wire transfer. Add to that having to communicate back and forth via email with possibly big time differences, all at the same time prices might be changing, with the uncertainty you are getting the right price, and you've got an expensive and inconvenient situation that I'd avoid at all costs if I could. Of course, if you are booking a liveaboard, for example, you can usually get the air booked through the operator, so you can knock out some of the inconvenience...but they will be farming it out to a local agency and you will still be paying what can be huge premiums over the true cost of the ticket. From my own trip I'm leaving on next week I will need 7 domestic flights and spoke to several agents, either via one of the liveaboards I was taking, or through agents recommended by several resorts or operators I had stayed with before. The MINIMUM mark up for any one ticket was in the 20% range, and it was upwards from there...for some like Transnusa I couldn't independently verify the price. With that and other charges, I was looking at paying an additional $350 at least. Still again..there is nothing wrong with using an agent if you are ok with that...many might still not mind, feeling the need to just have things taken care of outweighing other concerns. We pay, of course, for convenience. I wonder, though, how many people price out what they are being charged vs what the actual price is...I think some might be in for a nasty surprise....I know I did early on when I did a liveaboard and found out the price they were charging me was double what it would cost me if I got it on my own! I personally am not ok with paying that kind of surcharge, and want and need to save that kind of money and am comfortable doing it on my own wherever possible. There's nothing wrong with that's just a different perspective. For me, if I see a price on the internet and can purchase a ticket that way, then I'm pressing "buy" and doing it!

If you are already in Indonesia it can be a better situation..sitting down with an agent isn't likely to subject you to the same type of drastic mark up. What I usually do is check out the prices on the internet for tickets I can't purchase online, and reverify those prices when I sit down with the agent. If they are close, I book, and just deal with credit card charges are what have you. Sometimes I'll just give myself some extra time at whichever airport in Indonesia I'll be at yet and just buy the tickets direct. I think the statement about having a local agent being invaluable if there is a flight cancellation or whatever is a bit overblown...if I'm in Bali someone might be able to reach me, but if someone is in Raja Ampat, Alor, etc. etc. no one is likely to be reaching you. If a flight is going to be delayed its going to be's just something one has to accept traveling in Indonesia and nothing is going to change that.

Several times like this where you get upset when someone says something in a post that contradicts you, it's where I've pointed out that perhaps another option or way of thinking would result in saving some money. Your response, generally, is one of indifference to the option presented that does so. In that way it is presumptious to say that this is not a concern to many sure is to me. AGAIN, there are different positives and negatives to different options one might's important for one to consider these and make the decision that is right for them. Knowing options and making informed decisions is always a good thing. You really need to respect other viewpoints that are not your own.
what about Garuda Indonesia, never had any problems. Lion air if I'm not mistaken I had to book 4 days in advance when I used a credit card
Unfortunately, not with U.S. credit cards. If Lion especially ever allows it that would be huge!

what about Garuda Indonesia, never had any problems. Lion air if I'm not mistaken I had to book 4 days in advance when I used a credit card
Still trying to make it all about me?
.... you seem to see things in black and white...
No, I do not. You do. Your black and white is expressed only in the figures at the bottom of your balance sheet and takes nothing else into consideration. What I keep trying to point out about your position but you keep not hearing is your insistence on this:
if money essentially isn't a concern
if money isn't an object
the perspective of a moneyed tourist
Nobody ever says "spare no expense"--money is a concern for everybody. There are smart ways to spend and imprudent ways to save.

Doing your own air ticketing in Indonesia is a roll of the dice. The question is what degree of risk the visitor is willing to assume. You, ocd, are willing to assume a lot more risk than most people are in order to save a small percentage when the total trip cost is considered, and this has nothing to do with their personal fortunes.

I never give advice that will put the continuity of my customers' (or readers') trips in greater jeopardy than necessary. (I also recommend trip insurance, which I'd wager you won't spring for either in your efforts to economise). Ultimately, you, ocd, are in a position of not having to take any responsibility at all for eventual outcomes in other people's trips that result from your advice while I am held accountable, regardless of whether the advice is to a current customer or a potential one. This is the difference between my professional and cautious advice and your personal and chancy advice in regard to emulating your individual approach. As I have pointed out, some of my customers opt for the more conservative booking method and others want to do it themselves. What they decide to do in the end is their choice and makes no difference to me as long as they are aware that they themselves are responsible for dealing with problems if they choose to do their own bookings. The choice should be an informed one, not one based only on what's written in black and white figures at the bottom of the balance sheet.

Several times like this where you get upset when someone says something in a post that contradicts you, it's where I've pointed out that perhaps another option or way of thinking would result in saving some money.
Again, you are trying to make it about me when it isn't--it's all about the prospective visitor and my advice to the visitor. I don't get "upset" or "indignant" over anything at all that you might recommend, have recommended, or are recommending. My only objective is for people to come to SE Asia and have as problem-free an experience as possible.

I am, however, frustrated at your apparent inability to understand since you seem like a really nice guy who simply cannot manage to see beyond his own preferences. All I have said (whether it's air ticketing, newbie diving at Crystal Bay, or whatever) is: "be careful, reader; you're taking an extra risk if you do this; make sure you're aware of the risk and that it's a risk you are willing to assume." You, ocd, have personally been lucky enough to never experience a problem, but that doesn't mean they don't happen.

Your personal experience with air ticketing, unfortunately, isn't universal. If it were, my advice would be different if for no other reason than that my customers could spend the money they save on air tickets for more diving, and I can earn a commission on the diving but not on the air tickets. Now go think about that a bit, why don't you?

One last time: it's not about me, but it is about the best chance for visitors to experience a trouble-free dive holiday when they travel half a world away to a culture that is alien to them. Reread my posts--there is nothing at all intolerant or disrespectful of any other viewpoint. You, on the other hand, seem to have some need to make the entire discussion one about me and my motives. I just can't figure that out and keep trying to get out of the adversarial position you keep putting the two of us in. It seems to be a fruitless effort, though.
In my experience, Lion Air is the only domestic airline in Indonesia which accepts foreign credit cards online. However, there are sometimes exceptions that I can't explain. Yes, you can pay by wire transfer for most of the tickets, and yes, going through an agent can incur other costs because the agent makes so little on the flights. If you use an agent outside of Indonesia who takes credit cards, at the minimum that agent has to pay the card fee (which can be high in the travel industry) and then the wire transfer to Indonesia from wherever that agent is to the ground agent in Indonesia who has the airline contracts.

Banking laws in Indonesia are the issue with overseas credit cards, not the airlines, it's not their fault. But the airlines usually do not make it clear from the beginning of the booking process (which I find tedious) that they can't accept foreign credit cards. This should be made plain right up front before people waste time.

Lion Air must do their payment processing in Singapore or somewhere.

Batavia seems to work sometimes for some people, other times not. I don't know why.

Lion Air seems to be doing great and so far I have not had any problems or complaints about this airline. This is the one I am recommending now and they fly almost everywhere a diver wants to go in Indonesia:

LION AIR - We Make People Fly

Would like to know if anyone on here has succesfully booked via Lion online recently from outside Indonesia?
Would like to know if anyone on here has succesfully booked via Lion online recently from outside Indonesia?
I have tried, even with a Thailand-issued credit card, and not been successful. If I could do that, I certainly would. I can book only Garuda, but of course Garuda doesn't go where I want to!

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