There's plenty of threads about X1 reliability problems. . . . Plenty of people have had to replace their X1's multiple times. Several members on have replaced their X1 4, 7, even 11 times, and reference friends who've done the same! . . . Liquivision claims that the pressure sensor issue has been resolved, but they're still getting computers sent back(at least from what I've seen) for screen issues and battery problems. You yourself have had your Liquivision replaced, and sure every company puts out a lemon once in a while. But.....there's many more like you that have had their Liquivision fail. They might have great customer service post sale, but it'd be really cool to not have to send you computer back in the first place. Customer service also includes building a product that doesn't need to be replaced, in my opinion.
I thought it might be useful to update this exchange, particularly for people who are considering a Liquivision product, or the X1 in particular.
I was not fully aware of the extent of the sensor issues at the time tgsmith offered this post. In fact I was a little surprised, since I previously had the experience of a rapid, and appropriate (replaced the unit within days, at no charge) response from Liquivision. But, subsequent to this exchange, my second / replacement X1 failed - again a depth sensor issue (it had me diving to 3667 feet, repeatedly). This time, Liquivision's response was NOT as impressive - in their view, the unit is now out of warranty, and they are willing to replace the unit, but for ~$700, essentially half of what I paid for the new one only 3 years before. Yes, the new one is a dual sensor model, so there is something of an upgrade involved. And, for that I would be willing to pay a modest amount - I am not asking for something for nothing. And, the interchange on resolving the problem is still in process, so a more reasonable outcome may be achieved. But, when I have already invested $1500 in a (not inexpensive) computer, and have had two failures in only 3 years, I expect a little more from the company. This is not a good business model. I had the first computer fail during a dive on the Oriskany to 200+ feet. Fortunately, I had an older, but still functioning and reliable, Nitek He as a back up. I had the second computer fail during a dive at 40 Fathom to 180 feet. Fortunately, I had an older, but still functioning and reliable, Nitek He as a back up. (Hmm, there seems to be a consistent theme here.)
Part of my disappointment, which is now evolving into an admonition for potential Liquivison / X1 customers, is based on the fact that our shop was an 'early adopter' of the X1. A number of staff purchased them shortly after they came out, and then customers purchased them, based in part on our enthusiastic (and sincere) recommendations. For the past 3 years, we have been public advocates of the computer - and, I still think it is one of the best displays I have ever seen, I still believe it is a marvelous technology, I would still prefer it to anything else available (IF IT WERE ONLY RELIABLE), etc., etc. I do not think that it is Liquivision's FAULT that a batch of faulty sensors were purchased and used. Things like that happen. But, I do think it is their RESPONSIBILITY to make the situation right.
I can appreciate your hesitation. I only ask that you keep an open mind and allow our new products to prove their reliability without too much stigma from the past. We don't shy away from our reliability issues in the past, but we're beyond that and are forward-looking... and I'm very excited for what's coming.
I certainly see the point in Doug's message. But, based on my current experience, I perhaps view the meaning of 'shy away' in a somewhat different light, and would now caution potential buyers to think carefully about a purchase. While the units are wonderful computers, the value proposition in my opinion is now being severely eroded by the possibility of a failure - which exists for any technology - for which the customer is apparently now being asked to pay - which is not a standard.