Ok, ok... my arm has been twisted *grin* I'll be there with some type of food, dunno what though.
(and since I'm a nice person, I'll leave the doubles at home Tevis.. heheh).
Beloved Missy, I am ramping it up a notch.
You put your wetsuit/DS on, we have cabanna boys carry you to the waters edge, where I am waiting past the surf line to assist you in the buckling of your rig!
U got doubles. . .bring it!
(disclaimer: this offer applies only to the Missy, it is non transferable, completely resusable by the princess herself, objects in the mirror may appear closer than they really are, your mileage may vary)
Sending pre Happy New Years Love to Missy!
Christian, really like the idea of all of us reconnoitering at a place down in Irvine, and then heading out. Let me start the party train by saying that I have blocked out the travel day/night before, and can see about getting CHEEP rooms for all of the UP HERE folks to crash in the Friday night before.
A gentle offer to the Captain of the dive. What do you think C?
Happy New Year all, and starting the depression meds as Ken is not going to bring his light O' love down with him.