A wonderful time was had once again, of course this group never dissapoints, and getting home before my bed time was a plus, goddesses need their sleep
I met some wonderful new SBr's, John sorry you didn't get to dive but thank you so much for giving a goddess all the attention she could possibly crave, Rick thank you for being my Laguna guide on the second dive and helping me set a new bottom time record, Allison you were born a dive goddess enough said, Terry and John A thank you for being our guides on dive 1 which at the time was a new bottom time record

, Tevis next time you talk the talk you need to walk the walk, Christian for keeping me warm after dinner, and lets see Rick and Theresa for your smiles, Cody and Josh for being just so darn cute and letting me finally show someone some skin for the day, Laurel for the loving, Robert for the awesome eats, Ana for finally flirting with me (I won't tell Jen if you don't), Ted for getting the charcoal I owe you one sweetie. Who else, oh my goodness, Jim, Eric, Billy, Ann Marie, Jan, Milo, and anyone I missed to mention but who made this a great day with Wrinkles.